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Do you rinse your soap puck off after use?

I dump the left-over lather back onto the puck and use it the next day. No need to waste soap. I suspect in the old days people didn't even wash out the brush in order to keep the soap going longer, it was much more expensive in then.
Okay, that is completely different from the daily shaving routine/cleanup and I'd agree with you there--except that I wouldn't be looking to buy used soap in the first place! :001_rolle

I have no problem buying used soap, it's soap. Have you ever washed your hands with a bar of soap someone used before you? I just want it to look clean, I know I'm a little weird :a3:
Honestly, I have a strong preference for liquid hand soaps, and not just because they lather up a bit faster. Soap can indeed get funky things growing in/on it and compared to most B&Bers I suppose I seem like a germaphobe.
In retrospect, this was a silly question i guess. I asked it i 2015 and it somehow got resurrected, lol.

I currently put the lid 90% on. Then in the evening, close it up.
but i didnt guess that my mid-2015 thread was gonna be ressurected, lol
No one ever does!

I wouldn't be looking to buy used soap in the first place!
I do, it's a great way to try a new soap to see if you like it, without the expense of buying a full, new puck.

I asked it i 2015 and it somehow got resurrected, lol.
That is because @Snugblat loves to resurrect old threads LOL
Yup, Snurgblat strikes again!
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