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Do you rinse your soap puck off after use?

If the container is really messy, I rinse. If not, I just put the lid on, if it has one, and put it in the shave drawer.

+1 If the outside / threads gets messy I will rinse, but normally let what little lather remains on the puck there to dry.
If you don't particularly like a soap, load extra heavy and rinse puck well each time. :001_rolle
I 3017 my soaps, so don't worry overly much about it retaining some moisture. Post-loading, I wipe up most of the remaining proto-lather/paste with my finger and smear it on my face.

I do a similar thing, except I let my puck dry for the duration of a shave and cleanup. I'm using MWF at the moment and it seems to like being kept well-moisturized - it helps easy of lather..
I rinse the excess suds off, especially from the outside of the bowl or stick, then I pour off any excess water from the puck.

With MWF, I make it a point to leave the puck shiny-wet before I put the lid on. This helps keep it hydrated for next time.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
Not I. I only load on the soap puck, then build lather in my scuttle. Close up soap container. Waste of product to rinse. But, it's your soap, so do what you want
I wipe any product that spills over the sides when loading on my face prior to the shave. After use I leave the lid off until before bed. Rinsing, to me, is just wasting good product.
I like to keep it simple. I just use one puck until its finished (no rotating). I leave the soap suds on the puck, and I don't cover the puck. Just air dry in the open.
I do not, I find that rinsing it doesn't really do much for the soap except just wastes it.
I do however store it upside down incase there is any water it doesn't prematurely wet the soap...
Just a habit I formed, probably doesn't do anything.
I'm a more product kinda guy and hence I like loading heavy and face lather. So when I'm gone, there is lather on the sink, puck, walls, mirror, floor, my chest, shoulders, you name it! So needless to say I clean up before exiting the soap bomb area, before the rest of the family members enter.

I also rotate my soaps and can go weeks before opening the same puck, so I rinse the soap container, in and out with cold tap water, let it sit for a few minutes while I clean up, cap it and put it away. I hate seeing left over, dried froth when I open a soap puck and rinsing wastes so little that it does not bother me, not with the volume I gathered!
I leave any persistent protolather or lather on the puck sit there and just let it dry for some hours before closing the tub. I don't bother rinsing it. I find it act as as a good 'fire starter' for my next lather anyway.
I always rinse unused lather out of my mugs after using. If you never rinse and let it dry over and over again long enough, it starts turning into a layer of hard soap on the sides of your mug, which is an absolute pain to clean.
If the tub is messy I will clean that but otherwise I just leave the soap as it is since it will just become more lather next shave.
I leave the extra lather in my mug with the soap and it's dry by the next morning. I only wipe off the outside of the mug if any lather spills over. Rinsing it off just waste soap.
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