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Do you enjoy inscence?

Ever since I was a little kid as an altar boy I was in love with the smell of inscense! I like the burning the resin inscense on the match light charcoal wafers best but most of the time inscense sticks are just more convenient.
i have never tried the cone inscense variation.
Right now I am burning a stick of Hem dragons blood!
Are there any other inscense burners out there? If so what do you enjoy most? (Brands / scents)
Wow....I Searched for an existing thread before I posted and didnt see anything. I will enjoy reading them!
thank you!
Maybe I just haven't found the right scent for me, but insensce reminds me of old book stores run by hippies. (No offense to any hippies on here.)
Just sayin'.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
No to go to far off topic, but you might enjoy Queen Charlotte Soaps Basilica, a very nice shave soap.

"Balsamic myrrh and smoky frankincense combine to create this unique and wonderful scent, reminiscent of an age-old basilica."
I just purchased Basilica for that very reason, except I did not get that smell from it! Ive found Mystic Waters Marekesh much better!
Have you tried Japanese incense? It is a very different animal.

You know I was just about to say I can't stand that crap they burn in Indian stores. Then I saw your comment. I remember my mom praying as a wee kid and the smell incense was not offensive. I have to get some and see.
I usually burn sandalwood incense to get rid of cooking smells etc. I can't use aerosols because they affect my eyes.
I sometimes burn one in the evening when I'm sitting with a glass of wine. I like them.
Japanese incense is "clean" and never overwhelming. Agarwood, Kyara (a type of Agarwood) and Sandalwood are its main ingredients.

Indian incense, with which I am much less familiar, is a paste around a bamboo core. There are two basic types, masala - a spice mix, and charcoal which is infused with a perfume.

I suspect the headshop incense we've all smelled and disliked is of the Indian variety. And not the good stuff.
A few years back my wife and I took an October trip to Santa Fe, NM. We were taking an evening stroll; it was a crisp night and the scent of Pinon wood smoke was everywhere....it was intoxicating! The next morning we went to a plaza gift shop and bought a casita-shaped incense burner and a few boxes of pinon incense. This thread inspired me to get one going right now.
I like it but haven't burned any in years.
I used to get this awesome stuff from the dollar store called "Black Love".
There was this really nice sandalwood that my buddy's sister had.

I have no idea what it was called, but for the longest time I chased down every sandalwood I could get my hands on trying to find something similar.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Sometimes, the Mrs. and I burn frankincense (on charcoal tablets), in our small thurible (a metal censer),...and we love it's alluring fragrance all through the house! :thumbsup:

"[Incense]..."It brings communication with the transcendent [and], refreshes [the], mind and body". Huang Tingjian, Song Dynasty from Chinese Insense Culture
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