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Do you DE and Straight veterans have consistently bloodless shaves?

With my DE shaves I very rarely cut myself. I hate to say it for fear of jinxing myself. I used a '47 SuperSpeed mostly, till I got my Bull Mastiff. There was a short learning curve with it, but now it's the same, fairly safe and blood free shaves.
This first razor I ever used was one Pop had. I haven't seen nothing like it since I've grown up. It was really easy to cut yourself on this one. Then when I get my own DE many years ago, I only get a little nick here and there. Its usually on a bump since I have sensitive skin.

The first time I shaved with a Red Tip, I didn't get a nick. Since I've gotten home, I've nicked myself a couple of times on the heat rash I got while driving my car and the crazy beard I had. Now that the heat rash is healed mostly, no more nicks for now.
If you don't get the occasional cut,you're either an electric user or a liar.:smile:I must admit I got more weepers when I used cartridges though.:confused:Go figure.
Got a nick earlier in the week with my Star DE. First one in a few weeks. I was in a rush. Probably get a nick about once or twice a month. Weepers are pretty rare though.
I get occasional nicks, b ut for the most part its smooth sailing. I think that when one switches to wet-shaving, it takes a good while for the skin to adjust. For me, bloodshed is a fairly uncommon event. I think it goes in spurts...a nick takes a couple days to heal fully, so I tend to re-open them for a few days. If a bump develops, I either go around it or <gasp>, use a M3 a day or two in the affected area.
Blood is definitely the exception, especially when I'm using a tried and true setup.

Occasionally, if I'm trying a new razor or blade, a weeper will appear.
I have been a DE shaver for almost a year, wet shaver forever. I have proven to myself that there is a blade/razor combination that provides DFS in 3 passes, BBS with some touch up that never nicks or cuts. I suppose that implies that preparation and technique are adequate. I think my point is that even with the same prep and technique, with some razor/blade combinations I could still draw blood. But, since I found the right combination, I never cut myself.

I've been shaving with a DE for almost one year, and only stopped getting weepers after changing to Red Pack IP blades. Before that, I used mostly Derby and always managed to get a weeper or two every shave.

So for me, the right blade made all the difference.

As for actual cuts, I can't say that I've had one ever from DE.
I've been using a DE for about a year and a half and aside from a few beginner's mistakes my first couple of shaves, I very rarely draw blood. Every now and then I might decapitate a pimple, but that's about it. Except when I use my '72 Superspeed - that thing gouges me on my right jawline every single time without fail.
If you don't get the occasional cut,you're either an electric user or a liar.:smile:I must admit I got more weepers when I used cartridges though.:confused:Go figure.
I actually managed it one time with my electric! I got too agressive in the corner of my mouth. So it's not quite impossible with an electric, trust me to do it lol.

I would say "rarely" is my answer, sometimes if there's a little pimple or irregularity I'll hit it. But it's not really a cut if it disappears the moment alum or witch hazel hits it. I think I cut myself more with the multi-cartridge (bad technique likely)!
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Most I've gotten so far are the tiny nicks from too much pressure, but only about 3 so far in several months.
I've been shaving with a straight for almost 30 years and, while I have gone long periods without cutting myself, if I change razors, honing methods, technique or if I'm just distracted, I can give myself a small nick under the nose or in the corner of the mouth.
Been at straight shaving just over 18 months and I really do not cut or draw blood very often. Sometimes I will get a little weeper but that is seldom and they heal very quickly, like a day.

Take Care,
This thread's a bit confusing without a clear, shared definition of weeper, nick, cut, etc.

Well, I think bloodless is pretty clear. It disallows all of the above.

To answer the question, my shaves are almost always bloodless since I discovered the right razor for me (Gillette Adjustable). Very occasionally (like once a month or something) I get a microscopic weeper that is gone after I rinse the soap off. So are my shaves consistently bloodless? I don't know, but they are bloodless enough for me.
I must be lucky. Only once since March have I had anything that required application of a styptic or the dreaded toilet paper. I have had 3 or 4 much smaller things that stopped weeping with cold water/witchhazel. I've never had a cut.

You just have to be careful!
Since finding the combination that works for me (Gillette Red Tip with Gillette 7 O'Clock yellows), I rarely nick myself. I find that when I do nick myself, it's because I was on auto pilot, or I used a blade one too many days.
I'm about a year into "non-cartridge" razors. I'll mix it up a bit between DE, SE, and straights.

Usually I'm good as long as I don't make any drastic changes. If I stay with the same razor for a few days and don't mix things up too often, I'm fine. If I've gone say... a month on the straight, and then switch back to the Super Speed, i'm almost gauranteed a nick or two.

The straight I'm least likely to get nicked, most likely to get razor burn.
The DE's I'm more likely to get a nick.
The SE is somewhere in between.

Oh, and when I do get cut with the Straight, I get cut. I've got a spot on my cheek that still shows from a cut a few months back.
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