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Detroit Area product from MI oldest barbershop

That's Birmingham, Michigan - a suburb of Detroit- InfernoOrangeSS, in case you misread.
My barber shop has carried this stuff for a few months... I've looked at it, but the highish price and the unknown of it all has made me shy away from it. Not to mention my last experience with shave butter didn't go so well (non lathering crap... blech)... I would be interested to hear how it is, if anyone has tried it though.
They have a video on their web site, and the shave looked really nice. I note that the barber applied the shave cream with his hands and not a brush. It is obviously not your typical shave.
Well, since it is my post & I am a Detroit area guy, I thought I should pick up and can & give it a go.
The site acted a little funny when I went to buy it on-line, one second it was in my cart then without even signing into paypal, I got a message saying "Thank you for your purchase" I didn't even get an opportunity to tell them where to send it!:blink: I'll have to call tomorrow & see what is up with that, & I'll ask them if I use a brush or a butter knife to spread the stuff on. :001_rolle
I would be in simply for the aromatic goodness of the clove oil. While it is a bit pricey going in blind, how many of us have spent just as much on a soap/cream that sits in the back of the den? I know I have several.
I picked a tub up at the Barber Shop on my way home this week. $15 (plus MI 6% tax) for 6 oz (a 3" diameter by2" high tin tub). Scent is great - reminds me of hot apple cider withclove at the local cider mill. It is a brushless cream (tub says both brush andfingers, but I asked at the shop and they said it was brushless). Consistencyis almost liquid (viscous, but I could pour it out of the tub if I held it up).Product is slick and very moisturizing. I am not normally a fan of brushless creams for use at home. I think this one (poured into a smaller sample tub) would be great for travel.

I posted by first original Review in the Shave Cream section today.....
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Thanks for the share Chuck! I live in Royal Oak and work in Detroit, and I will definitely have to drive up to Birmingham to pick up a tub. I too am looking forward to reading your review. I tried to find it, but no luck. Please post a link when you have a chance.
Hmm, sounds like a pretty good review...

Man, now I gotta buy another dang cream!

I have my own AD's, so don't like to fuel those of others! I think that being brushless is a drawback for many of us on B&B. This weekend I plan on trying it mixed with Mitchell's Wool Fat SS to make Uberlather - I think that might help me use the tub up faster!
This morning I used Mitchell's Wool Fat SS and dipped the brush into the Old Woodward Clove SC - was really excellent! Whipped up a very nice lather in the DB scuttle. Both products have lanolin and seem to go well together.
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