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Derby PIF. Sort of

I bought 100 Derby blades

they just don't cut the mustard for me. Or my whiskers for that fact.

I am going to PIF them out 5 at a time until they are gone.

my sole request is that you have never tried them before

they will go out first come first serve.

Unless you know my brother's last name then you will go to the top of the pile

hint.. My brother first name starts with H ends with M and his mother was a widow
I found then fine until I got used to other blades and last night a fresh one gave me greif, I think I'll follow suit and do a local PIF.
These had a bad wrap for me because it was my second blade I tried. I tried them again recently and found them to be a decent blade. Not a favorite but definitely serviceable. I wonder if they get a bad rap just because they are so many recommendations for newbies to try it. Bad tech and bad prep can make a decent blade seem awful.
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