Going on a 12 day vacation to the mother country (Blighty), my first major trip while DE/SE shaving.
What to take, what to take?
Soap: Half stick Arko. I figure on stocking up on Palmolive and others while I'm there.
Brush: Vie-Long 12705. Getting better at face lathering and this chap seems to love it.
ASB: Nivea sensitive.
Astringent: Alum block instead of Witch Hazel.
Blades: Voskhods or GEM PTFE depending on....
Razor: Ummmm. Hmmmm. Errrrr. SE or DE or both?
SE - I'd probably take the ER 1914. or the 1924. Or the G bar. Maybe the G bar.
DE - Slim or Old OC or 40s SS or SA or Blue Tip or.........
I have a hard enough time choosing the daily shave. This is a good chance to force me to really get to know one particular razor where my RAD doesn't get in the way.
How does one choose?
What to take, what to take?
Soap: Half stick Arko. I figure on stocking up on Palmolive and others while I'm there.
Brush: Vie-Long 12705. Getting better at face lathering and this chap seems to love it.
ASB: Nivea sensitive.
Astringent: Alum block instead of Witch Hazel.
Blades: Voskhods or GEM PTFE depending on....
Razor: Ummmm. Hmmmm. Errrrr. SE or DE or both?
SE - I'd probably take the ER 1914. or the 1924. Or the G bar. Maybe the G bar.
DE - Slim or Old OC or 40s SS or SA or Blue Tip or.........
I have a hard enough time choosing the daily shave. This is a good chance to force me to really get to know one particular razor where my RAD doesn't get in the way.
How does one choose?