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DE Wish List ?

Hi everyone,

You guys have a RAD wish list? lets hear it.
For me on my list would be
british tto aristocrat
British 1953 coronation set with the cool orange case
open comb criterion de luxe
and probably a slim
I've got a pretty healthy collection already, so I'm sort of running out of things to get, but there are a few:

Gillette New Big Boy (any variant)
Merkur Vintage Super Slant (not sure if that's exactly the right name for it)
Gillette 30's Aristocrat.
Tradere OC
Gillette Toggle
Eclipse Red Ring
Gillette Bulldog
Gillette Big Fellow
any New Improved, preferably Bostonian
Feather SS
Ikon of some sort
Weber DLC
black Goodfella
Merkur 22c
1978 Gillette Y3

I think that is all
I don't think I'll ever have a big collection (currently just have a Weber DLC, fatboy, slim, Y4 40's style SS, and a couple old types), and really, between the Weber and the currently-en-route Tradere, I don't think I'll want for anything else in the daily shaver category, though there are a few things I would like to own:

Birth quarter Gillettes (1981 B1, so that Black Handle SS and SA)
Vintage Gillette DEs stamped "Made In Canada"
Darwin DE (sometime in the future when entry price into the Darwin club isn't an issue for me)

After that I don't really expect to do much razor purchasing, until I inevitably dabble in straights.
My RAD is dying way down. Any cool razor for the right price. No razor for the wrong price.

Have a Futur on the way. Pretty stoked about that, particularly since I love aggressive shaves. Love my FatBoy. Can't wait to compare the two.
I caved to my RAD so this is a just bought on its way list
Polished Futur
Ikon handle for R41
Hoffritz slant just missed this on the bay last minute!!! Probably a good thing LOL :crying:
Im broke!!!
all i want is a Weber, any model. if anybody's looking to get rid of one, i'll be happy to pay FULL original price for an ARC or a generous % of original price for a DLC.
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