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De-Stinkifying Vie-Long Horse?

This is a bit of a NOOB question, sorry. I just received a Vie-Long 13061 from Phil at Bullgoose (awesome service btw--ordered Sunday night, here Tuesday afternoon), and I'm wondering whether I will need to soak and rinse it a few times before using, as I have heard one does with boar and badger brushes? If so, what is the consensus on the best method?

I'm used to being around horses so I doubt that the smell would bother me too much, it doesn't seem to smell too bad out of the box.

Thanks for your help, gentlemen!
I doubt that it is the hair you are smelling. I bought a Vie-Long badger brush (Which I love!) and it smelled, too. I talked to Phil and he advised that it is the glue used to install the knot in the handle that smells. I have had the brush a couple weeks now and the smell is gone.
My Vie-Long Horse took a couple weeks of use to de-stink. The barn yard ambiance even survived a couple over night soaks in lather. Whatever it is, is potent, and will stick around a little bit. Thankfully its not permanent though.
just make sure it is properly dried out between shaves,the smell will dissipate in time....if you shave with brut shaving cream,the brut is all you will smell ,no matter how well you rinse and dry the brush....smells great !
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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. :thumbup1: I soaked for several hours, rinsed, and repeated the process a few times yesterday. It still smells like horse, but far preferable than badger from what I understand. I love the brush by the way, much softer than the synthetic and cheap boar (VDH) I had been using. Perfect for face lathering creams I'd say, I lathered up a storm with TOBS avocado, which is not my favorite cream.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. :thumbup1: I soaked for several hours, rinsed, and repeated the process a few times yesterday. It still smells like horse, but far preferable than badger from what I understand. I love the brush by the way, much softer than the synthetic and cheap boar (VDH) I had been using. Perfect for face lathering creams I'd say, I lathered up a storm with TOBS avocado, which is not my favorite cream.

Horse brushes are great. I prefer their barbers / professional brushes, but that is me. The mix in tail/mane hair is different from the "normal" brushes. Normal is 50/50, pro is 75/25, giving them a bit more back bone, which they need because of the taller loft.
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