Here in the uk if i wanted to buy a de razor the only ones on offer in retail local shops are a wilkinsomn and the boots own brand, are there any on sale in the shops in the country where you live?
Here in the Northeast, New England States, you're lucky to be able to find any DE shave gear, even DE blades.
If you see DE blades for sale in a supermarket or drugstore, almost certainly they're made by the American Safety Razor Company, and repackaged to the chain-store's house brand. The blades and dispensers are identical, it just the outer package and pricing that varies from store to store.I've never seen a DE razor in stores, but I've never seen a supermarket or drugstore that didn't have the blades. Usually half hidden, overpriced, and a questionable brand, admittedly.
...are there any on sale in the shops in the country where you live?