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De-funk Brush Tip - Use different shampoo

I read a lot about de-funking a brush and decided to do hot water plus shampoo plus a test lather or two.

I would like to pass along a "don't" that I discovered.

"Don't" use your regular shampoo to de-funk the brush. I did, and what I find is that the combination of the shampoo scent plus the brush funk smell was pretty offensive to me and now, whenever I use that same shampoo for my hair, that's all I can think of.

Just something I wish I would have thought about before-hand.
Hmm ... I've always washed my boar brushes with regular shampoo before the first use ... this must be a case of YMMV!
It's all trial and error my friend, I did the same thing being a newbie and all... check out this link I resort to it whenever I purchase a new brush or "clean up" my current one's.


I think allowing soap to dry in a brush is a bad idea. The key to keeping a brush in good condition is NOT allowing the soap to dry in it. Try this instead:

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