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DE Blades - Close Up (Pic heavy)

May I suggest keeping each of these blades, shaving with them, then posting pics of them after they have been used? Would be a lot of work for you I know, but it would be very interesting!
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Is it just me, or the lighting, or do the Astras have a blue heat band near the back of the final bevel like they got awfully hot during the setting of the bevel? Maybe that's why I could never get past the first 2 strokes before grabbing a different razor.
May I suggest keeping each of these blades, shaving with them, then posting pics of them after they have been used? Would be a lot of work for you I know, but it would be very interesting!

That is exactly what I plan on doing, the original idea was to use just one blade but I believe that I need to keep one under a slide so I can toss up two blades under the microscope at the same time to compare them under same conditions.

Is it just me, or the lighting, or do the Astras have a blue heat band near the back of the final bevel like they got awfully hot during the setting of the bevel? Maybe that's why I could never get past the first 2 strokes before grabbing a different razor.

Just re-read your post and realized you said blue. I think the reflection of the light off of the platinum coating is causing that. I originally though you meant the black edge, I was going to say this was the same on on the feather. The manufacturing process generally does involve high heat, cooling than a slightly warmer temperature in order to make it rigid but not brittle. If this is not from the coating, I would assume it could be from a high temperature after the beveling.
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The Iridium and Perma-Sharp look very, very similar to me...

That they do, what would be fun is having someone do a blind test between the two. Having someone pre-load a razor two days in a row alternating between the two, then rating and attempting to identify one from the other.
This is great that your posting these images. I'd love if each image had it's own thread and each thread was made a "sticky". It would be cool to be able to quickly reference each image as we are experimenting with the associated blade.

Right now I really don't know what conslusions to form. My top (2) blades TODAY are Feathers and Perma-sharp Supers but I'm not sure if there is something visible in the images that show anything exceptional. It would be cool to be able to ID specific characteristics as shown in the images that align with our individual experiences.

There was/is a guy on another forum that added comentary to DE blade pictures he posted. He seemed to have some familiarity with blade production/honing concepts. I really don't have a clue.
As promised here are some pictures of the used blades. Not quite the detail we were looking for but it does show some minor characteristics. Each blade was shaved with 2x per side to represent 4 shaves. Same face prep and creams, first shave was TOBS Sandalwood and 2nd was Cella. It took a little while to notice any difference at the angles used in the original, the pictures I took do show some wear especially on the merkur - it has more rust even on the cutting edge. The third angle I was able to get by bending the blade towards the microscope - the focal point will be near the center of the picture and you can barely make out the wear on the actual edge. From my own opinion it appears that the Iridium wore very well and even across the entire blade. The Merkur appears to have less overall wear, but it does have a significant bur.

Iridium Super:



Merkur Super:


Perma-Sharps are my favorite current production blade. When I finally tried an Iridium I couldn't tell the difference between it and a Perm. These pictures might help explain why. Even in high magnification these two blades seem very much alike. One of my thoughts about blades has always been that there must be duplicates out there being sold under different brand names to meet local marketing needs. It's not at all impossible that the old SI still exists out there under some other name. If so, then for me the Perma-Sharps are one candidate.
Final shave on this blade (simulated 4 shaves) was a little rough in the R41. Received several weepers but that may have just been the R41 being a little thirsty tonight. Most of the damage can be seen in the form of burrs in the 4th picture, but there is more pitting and a minor nick compared to the merkur blade.

P.S. I hate the glue location on this blade. I believe it contributes to the overall wearing.
Astra Superior Platinum Used:



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Here is the feather used. It actually wore quite well and appears like it has some shaves left in it.



Great photos. Thanks for doing this!

That Astra looks exactly like I thought it would, painful. I truly detest that blade.
I should have the Gillette 7 O'clock(black) up later today. If anyone has 2 personna med preps & 2 lab blues and you are willing to donate them to the pictures please send me a message.
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