Sleep, but I'm actually at work right now. Not a getting stuff done work day, but a holding down the fort in case something breaks work day. Had time for an non-rushed shave before I came in.
I usually always fix the clocks on the Saturday night prior to the change. Relish the fall change so I can get an extra hour of sack time.
Completely forgot this time! Got up as usual, quick morning routine (no shave), logged into the Sunday edition of the Times, and the little boxed article on page 1 said clocks went back an hour overnight.
It was last weekend here in Britain, and as usual woke up an hour earlier. I don't need the clock at the weekend and wake up when I wake up, which is officially an hour earlier than usual.
I always get knackered when the clocks go back as it means an extra hour awake. Never understand how people can stay in bed an extra hour.
My watch is smarter than I am (it wakes up every night and talks to the atomic clock in Denver), so it was pretty much a non-event. Since I get back the hour of sleep I lost in the spring it's a wash - although I think lifetime I'm way behind (on sleep)...