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Damn Comfortable Shave

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Monday's shave continued the trend.


Proline (16). Shea butter. Cube/Tube. Mysterium Serum.

There wasn't a great deal of growth since noon or so yesterday, but I like to be well groomed for work.

This is another very nice brush. I'm so glad to have the limited edition Semogue three band.

It's hard to beat the ATT X1.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Tuesday's and Wednesday's shaves were very good.



Proline (16 & 17). Shea butter. Cube/Tube. Mysterium Serum.

Busy, busy, busy....some of which is (as of last night) great. My oldest grandson has arrived for a visit. This is huge in my life. We are very close. Work problems are also tremendously demanding.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Thursday's shave was good.

This morning I forgot to take a photo.


←I used the ATT X1​
8-11-23.PersianJar.3 Brushes.RV-Mozingo.Ivory&Jade.Boar.640.JPG

But I put the X1 head on the ←Tibam Radiator Handle​
My brush was the Mozingo PJ pictured above with some of its cousins, and on the left in the ⬆︎photograph⇡​

Proline (18). Shea butter. Cube/Tube.

Happy shaves to you,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Sunday morning's shave was good.


Proline (19). Tube at the sink. Nothing else.

As always, I enjoyed using my only synthetic. This is the Evo original which is a very nice brush by most any standard, according to me.

My wife took ⇩this photograph⇩ yesterday evening.


According to her, these old chimneys in Charleston are the inspiration for Mickey D's Golden Arches.

I think this was the house to the immediate south of our weekend VBRO rental. The photo was taken from the rooftop deck. Right off the 3rd floor's master bedroom, the deck is a lovely place to hang out, with outside furniture including a couch, two easy chairs, two nice rocking chairs, and a different view of the world.

We are back home having had a nice little weekend trip with our oldest grandson who is visiting.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I have no idea how two of the above post ended up posted, and would be fine if one disappeared. I also just noticed that I wrote this yesterday, and didn't post it then, but better late than never.

Today's Tuesday morning shave was very good indeed.


Willy's (2). Shea butter. Cube/Tube. Mysterium Serum.

I greatly enjoyed the Athena's shave this morning. Partially I used the razor so that I could let my grandson, who is a grown man, listen to it sing. He was impressed with the razor's voice, appearance, and everything else which impresses Athena fans such as me.

I can't hear the Athena sing unless I wear hearing aids while shaving which I rarely do.

I gave him my Pearl Flexi. He had a choice between the closed comb version and the open comb. He picked the closed comb, which I also advised him to do. I'll miss the razor, but it has a good home. He has a nicely trimmed beard, but shaves his upper cheeks. He was already using a drug store double edged razor, but said he thinks the Tank will be a better razor for him.

He's been with us for a week, but left this morning to return to his home far away. I already miss him, but I'm so glad to have seen him, and happy because we had such a great visit.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Memorial Day. My shave was good; it might not have happened but for those we honor today.


Willy's (5), flipped. Shea butter. Cube/Tube. Mysterium Serum.

The Elite is a nifty razor. Most anyone using it, that is anyone also having a Sailor, would find themselves, as I do, comparing the Sailor and the Elite, and wondering exactly what setting on the Sailor might correspond to the Rocnel Elite?

Not that it matters.

BOSC.2.Sacrificies For Science.jpg

Of course it matters. What was I thinking!

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I'm having difficult getting photos from my phone to my computer. (Thank you, Apple. Where is Steve Jobs?)

I've been using the Elite, and my usual gear. An unbleached boar yesterday & the new purple D01 two band today. My shaves have been very good, but I'm not happy that I can't post my photos.

Hope your day is going better than mine. Still, I have a great deal to be thankful for, and shouldn't complain much about minor computer issues.

(Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave.)

Happy shaves,



I shaved a fortune
I'm having difficult getting photos from my phone to my computer. (Thank you, Apple. Where is Steve Jobs?)

I've been using the Elite, and my usual gear. An unbleached boar yesterday & the new purple D01 two band today. My shaves have been very good, but I'm not happy that I can't post my photos.

Hope your day is going better than mine. Still, I have a great deal to be thankful for, and shouldn't complain much about minor computer issues.

(Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave.)

Happy shaves,

There's probably a much easier way to get photos from my iPhone to my laptop but I edit them on my phone and email them to myself, then save and resize them on my laptop for posting here.


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Staff member
I'm having difficult getting photos from my phone to my computer. (Thank you, Apple. Where is Steve Jobs?)

I've been using the Elite, and my usual gear. An unbleached boar yesterday & the new purple D01 two band today. My shaves have been very good, but I'm not happy that I can't post my photos.

Hope your day is going better than mine. Still, I have a great deal to be thankful for, and shouldn't complain much about minor computer issues.

(Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave.)

Happy shaves,


There's probably a much easier way to get photos from my iPhone to my laptop but I edit them on my phone and email them to myself, then save and resize them on my laptop for posting here.
You guys need to switch over to Linux Mint. ;)
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