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Damn Comfortable Shave

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Shaking things up a little this morning I am.


Usual, of recent days, since Christmas, razor. SE2 loaded with a Proline on, I think, its third use.

Homemade shave oil
Captain's Choice North
Omega Mixed Midget brush
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve Cologne and After Shave
Cremo Moisturizer

Syptic pencil because I nicked my chin due to a too steep angle on a spot. No big deal.


My first pass was N-S.


Second pass was S-N.

Other than my lower lip, chin, and upper lip, that's it. Simple.

Yes, I got a decent enough shave for work. It's too soon to fully assess how smooth and close the shave is, but I'll try. I have been noticing that my shaves with the SE2 are not necessarily very smooth, but they are tending to be close (that is long lasting).

Today my shave was comfortable enough during most of the actual shave. I was really riding the cap! Mostly this was a deliberate effort to stay away from the blade feel of this razor. I believe it worked pretty well. It's not like the blade disappeared or anything like that.

Gracious, this razor is aggressive feeling! Nobody is kidding about that. No, sir!


Pretty good shave. Could be more comfortable, but I had residual itching (not a lot, but some) from yesterday. BBS face. DFS neck (I think).

The brush is my very smallest brush. It punches way above its size and price point. It was pretty well broken in before this first shave with it, and it felt decent on my face for an inexpensive badger mixed with boar brush. It lathers amazingly well, but had to be reloaded a few times with soap, a process taking an extra five seconds. I like the little brush, and find it very easy to work with. Plus, it rinses faster than any other brush I've used.

Captain's Choice North was a treat. It performed well, and it smells wonderful. Really a great scent. Very strong. Very nice.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.

This was today's brush, brand new, before the break in process. It might be tomorrow's razor. This razor is at the office, but it has a twin at home. Pretty razor. I was lucky to find such a nice example of the NEW SC. The one at home is nice, too, but this one is prettier. Both cost the same from the same ebay vendor, too.

Happy shave,



I didnt know
It might be tomorrow's razor.

I still think you should look for a decent user grade early 1940's Aristocrat or 1930's even if you might prefer an OC to a safety bar. You may really appreciate the blade exposure offered, but then again you do have a Gillette OLD type. I cant remember if you've used it.

I'm looking forward to using mine again, above my NEW SC. I feel my Regent is a more effective shaver and gives me a closer shave than my Grande, but it's not as easy to use.

When I think the Polsilver in my Grande is finished, I'll put it in my Regent and see if it still has life in it. I'll bet it will.

Raven Koenes

My precious!
Shaking things up a little this morning I am.

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Usual, of recent days, since Christmas, razor. SE2 loaded with a Proline on, I think, its third use.

Homemade shave oil
Captain's Choice North
Omega Mixed Midget brush
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve Cologne and After Shave
Cremo Moisturizer

Syptic pencil because I nicked my chin due to a too steep angle on a spot. No big deal.

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My first pass was N-S.

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Second pass was S-N.

Other than my lower lip, chin, and upper lip, that's it. Simple.

Yes, I got a decent enough shave for work. It's too soon to fully assess how smooth and close the shave is, but I'll try. I have been noticing that my shaves with the SE2 are not necessarily very smooth, but they are tending to be close (that is long lasting).

Today my shave was comfortable enough during most of the actual shave. I was really riding the cap! Mostly this was a deliberate effort to stay away from the blade feel of this razor. I believe it worked pretty well. It's not like the blade disappeared or anything like that.

Gracious, this razor is aggressive feeling! Nobody is kidding about that. No, sir!

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Pretty good shave. Could be more comfortable, but I had residual itching (not a lot, but some) from yesterday. BBS face. DFS neck (I think).

The brush is my very smallest brush. It punches way above its size and price point. It was pretty well broken in before this first shave with it, and it felt decent on my face for an inexpensive badger mixed with boar brush. It lathers amazingly well, but had to be reloaded a few times with soap, a process taking an extra five seconds. I like the little brush, and find it very easy to work with. Plus, it rinses faster than any other brush I've used.

Captain's Choice North was a treat. It performed well, and it smells wonderful. Really a great scent. Very strong. Very nice.

Happy shaves,

That's one beautiful razor my friend!

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I still think you should look for a decent user grade early 1940's Aristocrat or 1930's even if you might prefer an OC to a safety bar. You may really appreciate the blade exposure offered, but then again you do have a Gillette OLD type. I cant remember if you've used it.

I'm looking forward to using mine again, above my NEW SC. I feel my Regent is a more effective shaver and gives me a closer shave than my Grande, but it's not as easy to use.

When I think the Polsilver in my Grande is finished, I'll put it in my Regent and see if it still has life in it. I'll bet it will.

It is not a razor I know anything about, but probably I should. Tell me more when you feel like it. At this point, I wouldn't even know how to approach those razors.

I do have a couple of ebooks written to help collectors, but they are not as useful as I thought they would be.

Happy shaves,

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I didnt know
I've seen the same razor for quite a lot less than $250. My nephew paid $130CAD for a similar condition, uncased, 1937 Sheraton.

1937 Sheraton.JPG

As far as I know, Gillette TTO's came out in 1934 and were much the same as the picture you posted. From 1934 - 1939 they were all OC designs. The Gillette Regent came out in 1940 and was Gillettes first safety bar TTO, and was the precursor to the Gillette TTO Aristocrat as it was gold plated. It also had a unique box that itself is quite valuable.


The only difference between the Regent and an Aristocrat is the Regent has no stamped marking inside the head and the Aristocrat does.

As I understand it the design geometry of the heads was very much similar to the Gillette OLD type, but being a TTO design instead of a 3 piece. The head geometry remained the same until I believe 1945 and then had slight changes for 1946 and 1947 and then again in 1948 to 1952. rabidus is one that preferred the 48-52 design, but I'm not sure of the geometry differences and pictures are hard to find of the different years showing those differences.

My nephew thinks of his Sheraton the same as his Single Ring, a TTO Single Ring.

There is a considerable difference between my Regent and all my other razors. For me at this stage, it shaves the same as my NEW SC at a 2 1/2 pass BBS shave, but the BBS lasts much longer. 23 hours with a Polsilver on first use with a fairly steep angle vs the 12 hours of the NEW SC because of the added blade exposure.

Being a TTO it has a different feel in use. That difference isnt something that I can quantify, but I can feel it and so can my nephew. As far as design differences see my Regent below compared to my 1958 Gillette SS, NEW SC and Grande. Notice the shape and design of the safety bars, the various gaps or lack thereof, and the differing guard spans across all razors.

Regent.jpg D2SS.jpg NEWSC.JPG IMG_2182.JPG

The early Gillette TTO's are very effective razors. My 1958 SS is a mindless and quite mild shave and I dont need to think about the shave at all as it has the least blade exposure of them all. The NEW SC you've used and while smooth and comfortable, it can bite if you dont know how to use it. It has slightly more blade exposure than the SS and roughly the same gap. The Grande has no gap, generous exposure and is very smooth, but your technique needs to be on point. Much the same as the Regent, which I believe judging by feel alone, has even more exposure and for me is a more technical shave.

The Aristocrats made in England I believe to be very finely crafted pieces and are quite prized among those that own them. They are also the only other razors I really have an interest in and I'll have one some day.

1934-1940 British Aristocrat No19.JPG

I would sooner have that razor pictured above than any modern razor.
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$250 on ebay. Should I buy it?

Not a chance!

Happy shaves,


Ouch! That’s a bit pricey!

My Colonial General SS was delivered to my home today. Unfortunately I am not at my home. USPS apparently doesn’t understand what a mail hold is. Hopefully it is still there when I get back tomorrow afternoon/evening from visiting family for the holidays. Or hopefully my neighbor put it in his house. He is usually very nice about that and has saved several shave packages that have gone awry in shipping arriving much earlier than anticipated. I appreciate timely shipping and good customer service, but I have been amazed by the shipping within the wet shaving community. It is nearly as fast as amazon prime!

I hope that the ATT SE2 starts yielding more comfortable shaves for you, Jim. I have been trying to figure out any other angles or ideas to improve the comfort level, but it seems that you are already doing what I would try out. Let me know if you’d like a few other AC blades to try. I have some kai captain milds (the pinks) and feather pros (not the supers) that I can send your way to try out. I am going to be trying out those and the Schick Prolines in the General whenever I get my hands on it.

Raven Koenes

My precious!
Finished my fixed four for the month of December. I used two Bolzano blades 10 shaves each for a total of 20 shaves for the month. I loved my Fatip Pure badger brush. It is soft, plenty of back bone, and exfoliates well, not only that but it looks fantastic matching my Gentile handle. Proraso red? Its an awesome performer and the Sandalwood scent is subtle but not understated. It is a true Sandalwood scent and not perfume. Over all it was a Fantastic month!
rsz_2036 (1).jpg

Next week I'll continue on with my new Fatip Wenghe Gentile. I'm really finding the Gentile head fabulous. I'll pair it up with a Polsilver, Proraso white, and one of my piggie brushes. I'm not sure which but I miss my piggies.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Finished my fixed four for the month of December. I used two Bolzano blades 10 shaves each for a total of 20 shaves for the month. I loved my Fatip Pure badger brush. It is soft, plenty of back bone, and exfoliates well, not only that but it looks fantastic matching my Gentile handle. Proraso red? Its an awesome performer and the Sandalwood scent is subtle but not understated. It is a true Sandalwood scent and not perfume. Over all it was a Fantastic month!
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Next week I'll continue on with my new Fatip Wenghe Gentile. I'm really finding the Gentile head fabulous. I'll pair it up with a Polsilver, Proraso white, and one of my piggie brushes. I'm not sure which but I miss my piggies.
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Congratulations, Rave. What did you learn?

He's going to answer something about he learned even more how great Fatip razors are. He's right. They are great.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Ouch! That’s a bit pricey!

My Colonial General SS was delivered to my home today. Unfortunately I am not at my home. USPS apparently doesn’t understand what a mail hold is. Hopefully it is still there when I get back tomorrow afternoon/evening from visiting family for the holidays. Or hopefully my neighbor put it in his house. He is usually very nice about that and has saved several shave packages that have gone awry in shipping arriving much earlier than anticipated. I appreciate timely shipping and good customer service, but I have been amazed by the shipping within the wet shaving community. It is nearly as fast as amazon prime!

I hope that the ATT SE2 starts yielding more comfortable shaves for you, Jim. I have been trying to figure out any other angles or ideas to improve the comfort level, but it seems that you are already doing what I would try out. Let me know if you’d like a few other AC blades to try. I have some kai captain milds (the pinks) and feather pros (not the supers) that I can send your way to try out. I am going to be trying out those and the Schick Prolines in the General whenever I get my hands on it.

I believe you're going to love the SS General (unless somebody stole it). I may take you up on your blade offer. Let me check into what's already been offered me.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Today I overslept and was just a little bit pressed for time, but I still got the best shave so far from my SE2.

SE2 the no wimp zone razor.jpg

That's for sure. It is very aggressive. However, I am figuring out how to ride the cap so there is not much blade feel at all. I have not figured this out for shaving my lower lip, chin, and upper lip; on these areas the razor still feels rough. Everywhere else, I'm fine with the feel of the razor while shaving.

D R Harris Arlington.jpg StirlingFanSide.JPG BriskSpice.jpg Cremo.jpg

I added the Cremo a few hours after my shave. My skin everywhere is dry. Everybody I know here suddenly has dry skin.

I used homemade shave oil, and witch hazel, too.

My shave was simple. N-S & S-N + R-L on my jawline + chin and lower lip and upper lip touch ups.

That's it.

Plenty comfortable shave. No weepers or blood.

BBS face. DFS neck.

I'm talking here a very close, very smooth BBS face. A very good DFS. Certainly this was the best, smoothest, and closest of my 4.5 shaves with the ATT SE2 and the Proline (now on about its 4.5th shave).

Shave with a brute.jpg

I am very, very pleased with today's shave. The soap was not as good as SV or Captain's Choice, but it was okay. No reason to bottom drawer the divine smelling Arlington.

Did I mention how close this shave was? Comfortable enough, too.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I've spent the evening polishing a couple of my old brass GEM razors while watching football.

One is, I think, a 1912. The other is surely a GEM Junior. Both entered the evening and my life in decent or better shape. They were good examples of the ebay selections. However, the 1912 had some crummy looking places on the handle and the cap. Not terrible places. The Junior looked a good bit better.


Somewhere there are the before pictures, but this is after.

Neither of these were in the league with my MMOC, pictured above. When I started with it I knew it was probably going to be a razor I could shave with but I wasn't sure I could make it look good. I kinda sorta thought its looks had maybe been ruined.

I was pretty sure I could make the GEM Junior look rather good, and make the 1912 look a lot better.

I'm not quite finished with either. Both need some detailing on the inside areas, and a fair amount more work on the bottom of the baseplate. It is clear that both of these razors are going to end up in near mint condition, and look every bit as great as my MMOC.

Sometime in the next few days I'll continue the process, and use Barbicide. When I'm through I'll have pictures taken in my in-house professional photography studio.

I ordered and received a Gem Damaskeene, but it was missing a blade stop, so I returned it to the ebay vendor. I don't know if the razor was made in brass. The one I ordered was steel. The head looked pretty good, but the handle was not as nice looking. I may have to learn about steel (not stainless) as I do want to have one of these razors, but I'm only going to buy one which is a very good deal. The razors usually demand a premium price relative to many other GEM razors, but I'll await a bargain.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
These old brass are so cool. They are fun to fix up and make new looking again. One day I'll shave with them, too.

My 24 year old grandson is visiting. He is talking about maybe becoming a barber. He'd be very good at it, I think. I discovered we have a local barber college run by a locally famous educator and builder of character in his retirement. I do not personally know him, but have heard many good things about him.

My grandson, however, lives way far away, so he is looking for barber schools closer to his home. He loves all my pretty razors, and talking about shaving stuff, but he has a beard right now.

Happy shaves,



I didnt know
Neither of these were in the league with my MMOC, pictured above. When I started with it I knew it was probably going to be a razor I could shave with but I wasn't sure I could make it look good. I kinda sorta thought its looks had maybe been ruined.

Just wait until you're finished cleaning and polishing that. It's going to gleam...

Get it any shinier and you'll need sunglasses when you shave lol.

There is a certain satisfaction in cleaning, polishing and then using these old razors.

Raven Koenes

My precious!
Congratulations, Rave. What did you learn?

He's going to answer something about he learned even more how great Fatip razors are. He's right. They are great.

Happy shaves,

Right now I've learned that my Fatip Testina Gentile is truly a superb cutlery instrument. I think it's great. On the Fatip Testina Gentile pamphlet it says it may require more passes than with their open combs. By this week I was doing the same amount of passes and touch up as I would with my Grande with very similar results. She is so smooth and sweet. I truly cannot say enough about how much I love this razor, and is why I chose my new Fatip Wenghe Gentile over trying my Fatip Wenghe first. I'm not ready to let the Gentile head go yet back into the depths of my rotation.

Side note: At this moment I have 9 Fatips, 1 Schone, 1 Joris, and 2 Fatips I have gifted. That's 13 of Ilario Fazzini's razors and razor head I've had in my possession. All of them have aligned perfectly. Conclusion: Fatips do not have alignment issues so much as people do with them. :001_smile Fatips totally rock! :punk:

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
No, no, no! 13 is not good. You must acquire another to make it 14 so you retain the good luck factor! lol

Actually, you're only partly right, Mike. You're absolutely right about 13. You can't have unlucky 13 Fatip razors. But, the next number up in the Fibonacci number sequence is 21.

Fatip razors are Italian. Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician. Any Fatip razor collection should contain a Fibonacci number of razors.


Trust me on this. I am the Logic Professor at BOSC University.

Rave's wife will completely understand this, and not want her sweetie to be in an unlucky posture. Seven more Fatip | Schöne | Plisson razors is not a big deal on anyone's after Christmas credit cards when one's luck is at stake.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
This morning's shave was good!


upload_2017-12-30_13-34-20.png Witch hazel.jpg SpecialReserveMy.JPG Cremo.jpg

Also, my homemade shaving oil.

I like the brush better on its second use.


What can I say about this Asylum Shave Works SV Flying Mango shaving soap? Let's try this. I'm in love!

This soap is maybe even better than my previous number one favorite, the SV Felce Aromatica 4.3. Its performance is at least as good. The scent is subtle, but it is definitely there, and very pleasing. I think the lather may be even more creamy. Everything is perfect.

Besides that, the aluminum can is deeper which I like better, and the cap's lip works more easily when closing the can.


The shave was very good. N-S. S-N. Jawline R-L. Lips touched up some. That's it. No other touch ups at all. No weepers. No nicks. No cuts. No irritation. No itching.

Yes, I felt like I'd had a very close shave. I mean my skin felt that way. Not a bad feeling.

BBS face. DFS neck.

A close and very good DFS on my neck. A close overall shave. Not perfect, but approaching a truly excellent shave.

All that is without chasing baby at all. Of course, I would like to be catching baby without chasing baby, and I'm not there. Yet.


Considering this is only my 5.5th shave with the SE2 I am fairly much blown away by how good this razor is shaving me.

Happy shaves,

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