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Damascus steel benefits.

I think damascus steel looks incredible, but what are the real benefits?
What kind of value does it add to a straight as opposed to other types of steel?
Do they last longer? Do they hone sharper? I would really like the run down. I googled it and read up a bit on the process, but I am unsure about its use for straight razors.
They look great. I think the problem with them is that depending on the pattern they can be tough to turn into razors and get the edge needed and keep it so that it doesn't microchip which is one reason for their pricing and why there are only a few that I would even attempt to buy ( Zowada and Livi are the only ones that come to mind right away)
It doesn't really offer much benefit besides the aesthetic appeal. Done correctly (and that is the important part), they will shave and hone as well as any other blade, but still will not have magical shaving abilities. The reason for the high cost is because of the difficulty of making it and making it well. Most knifemakers who use damascus don't make their own, but buy from a reputable maker. The raw steel cost for the knifemaker is high (because of the skill and time invested by the guy who actually did the pattern welding of the steel). So, it's more like buying a leather couch- it will allow you to sit in it just the same as any other, but there's just something about it... knowing the price and being able to afford it is almost like a status marker among razor and knife collectors.
Gentlemen, thank you for the responses.
Can it safely be said that a damascus steel straight that is a "good price", is probably lacking in quality? As you mentioned, Troggie, these can have the potential to 'micro ship' when honing? Is that right? That would be devastating on the edge I am guessing.
FWIW, anything you see advertised as Damascus steel is most certainly not. It is (at best) pattern welded steel and offers very little other than asthetics. There are a lot a vintage straights that may use the term "Damascus" but it is no more than a marketing ploy and they are of no higher quality of value than any other "regular" steel from the same maker. Some of the blades advertised on ebay as Damascus steel are actually of no use in terms of shaving.
FWIW, anything you see advertised as Damascus steel is most certainly not. It is (at best) pattern welded steel and offers very little other than asthetics. There are a lot a vintage straights that may use the term "Damascus" but it is no more than a marketing ploy and they are of no higher quality of value than any other "regular" steel from the same maker. Some of the blades advertised on ebay as Damascus steel are actually of no use in terms of shaving.

Very true. From the article I linked to above:

"Sadly, the "recipe" for making Damascus Steel no longer exists, and they've not been able to reverse-engineer how to make it. "
Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but the legendary "lost" recipe for true Damascus steel was probably good for making pretty good steel at the time, and it even might have been good enough steel to cut through the even more inferior steel that others were using for armor and swords, but no way, no how does any steel made using any "lost" recipe have even a hope of competing with any properly formulated modern steel alloys. Just not possible, I'm afraid.

Why? Well, start by taking a look at some of the developments that have occurred in steel making over the past 50 years, and you will find some things that could not have been done 100 or 200 years ago by anyone on the planet. High furnace temperature, addition of chromium, vanadium, tungsten and other rare-earth elements, purity of ingredients, precise control of crystalline structure -- any one of these things could not have existed anywhere on the planet at the time that they were making this legendary "Damascus" steel, and with all of them put together, modern steel makes ancient, charcoal-fired furnace steel about as desirable as chocolate pudding.

And those articles describing how ancient Damascus is magically held together by carbon nanotubes?! Oh please, brothers, don't believe everything you read on the Internet!
By the way, this article linked here has a photo of a very beautiful razor made by Tadashi -- out of modern, pattern-welded steel, NOT LEGENDARY "LOST" DAMASCUS. It's a very cool razor, but it kind of makes my point -- don't believe everything you read!

But what about the "Ancient Aliens" and all the things they taught mankind that we lost?:lol::lol::lol:
By the way, this article linked here has a photo of a very beautiful razor made by Tadashi -- out of modern, pattern-welded steel, NOT LEGENDARY "LOST" DAMASCUS. It's a very cool razor, but it kind of makes my point -- don't believe everything you read!

I don't believe everything I read... I only believe what I read on the internet.:tongue_sm
I was just passing along a story that I thought was interesting.
The original article linked in the one I posted does talk a bit about pattern welded knives at the end.
Here is a bit more info on that Carbon Nanotube Theory.
It all makes for an interesting story.

Especially the Alien part...:lol::lol::lol:

That Tadashi is one fine looking razor.
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