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Daily shave - BBS or DFS?

I've been shaving with a DE for about three months now, and I feel I've gotten to the point where I can get a BBS shave with only about a 20% chance of hacking up my neck. I've been feeling lately, though, that the main problem I have with a BBS shave is that it's so close there's hardly any point in shaving the next morning. When I was shaving with a Fusion and goo, that's a problem I would have loved to have, since I hated everything about shaving. Now I get so much enjoyment out of my daily shave that I find myself doing only two passes for a DFS, WTG and XTG, just so I can leave enough growth for the next day's shave. Anyone else do the same?


Same issue with me... If I go BBS, there isn't enough to shave the next morning. If I do a DFS (WTG and XTG passes), then I can shave the next morning. Lately I've just been going BBS and shaving every 2 days.
I've been shaving with a DE for about three months now, and I feel I've gotten to the point where I can get a BBS shave with only about a 20% chance of hacking up my neck. I've been feeling lately, though, that the main problem I have with a BBS shave is that it's so close there's hardly any point in shaving the next morning. When I was shaving with a Fusion and goo, that's a problem I would have loved to have, since I hated everything about shaving. Now I get so much enjoyment out of my daily shave that I find myself doing only two passes for a DFS, WTG and XTG, just so I can leave enough growth for the next day's shave. Anyone else do the same?

I don't have that problem. I get BBS shaves every AM, with enough growth the next AM to warrant another close shave. If I settle with DFS, then I will end up with earlier than usual growth or five o'clock shadow.
Unless it's "date night," I settle for a DFS. I need to shave every day regardless of whether I go BBS or DFS and, frankly, my co-workers don't warrant the extra passes for a BBS. My wife, on the other hand, warrants whatever she wants. Just ask her.:001_smile


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The goal isn't to achieve a BBS or a DFS or anything other than an enjoyable shave.
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I strive for BBS but usually wind up with a DFS. I'm about half tempted to bring my shaving junk to work and sneak off to the bathroom for a quick touch up when I find the un-smooth spots later in the day.
DFS for me.
if i've gone a few days i'll go for BBS. it's easier since my skin's had time to thicken, and by beard's had time to soften up from the natural oils and whatnot.
I always aim for BBS...otherwise, I don't bother shaving that day. Just doing a WTG and XTG pass doesn't do it for me. Not with just 24hrs growth. It's the ATG pass that gets most of my whiskers.
DFS weekday mornings, WTG & ATG with some additional touch-ups. I value my sleep and am ok with not trying for a BBS before work.
I love the feel of the BBS, but I can only do it every other day. If I go for BBS two days in a row I get some mild irritation. So I do DFS on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and BBS on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. I give my face most Saturdays off, unless I want to try something new that it might take a day to recover from ;-)
I only go WTG, XTG and ATG very, very judiciously in a couple of spots - mostly below my lower lip. My injectors give me a DFS on a daily or almost daily business. If I need a closer shave, I find that if I skip a day or two, I get a resulting closer shave with my normal routine - a sort of DFS "plus" shave.

A BBS shave for me means ATG and/or very aggressive XTG passes. That means irritation or minor razor bumps here and there. It's just not worth it to me. DFS is a happy medium.

I've been shaving with a DE for about three months now, and I feel I've gotten to the point where I can get a BBS shave with only about a 20% chance of hacking up my neck. I've been feeling lately, though, that the main problem I have with a BBS shave is that it's so close there's hardly any point in shaving the next morning. When I was shaving with a Fusion and goo, that's a problem I would have loved to have, since I hated everything about shaving. Now I get so much enjoyment out of my daily shave that I find myself doing only two passes for a DFS, WTG and XTG, just so I can leave enough growth for the next day's shave. Anyone else do the same?
I just do three passes -- WTG, XTG and ATG, and maybe a little scrubbing on a couple of tough spots on my neck. If it turns out BBS, great. If it's a DFS, I'm still better shaved than anyone else in the office, so I don't fret too much if I rub against the grain and feel a tiny bit of roughness. Nobody else will notice it.
I've been shaving with a DE for about three months now, and I feel I've gotten to the point where I can get a BBS shave with only about a 20% chance of hacking up my neck. I've been feeling lately, though, that the main problem I have with a BBS shave is that it's so close there's hardly any point in shaving the next morning. When I was shaving with a Fusion and goo, that's a problem I would have loved to have, since I hated everything about shaving. Now I get so much enjoyment out of my daily shave that I find myself doing only two passes for a DFS, WTG and XTG, just so I can leave enough growth for the next day's shave. Anyone else do the same?

When I get a BBS shave, most of my face doesn't have enough growth to bother with the next morning, but I usually do touch up in the heavier growth areas- under my sideburns, my chin, and my mustache. That being said, I usually stop at DFS to make the next morning's shave better. I reserve BBS shaves for special occasions, and I usually do them in the afternoon and don't shave for a couple days after.
The goal isn't to achieve a BBS or a DFS or anything other than an enjoyable shave.


Some days 2 passes others 3. Depends how I'm feeling, how the razor's feeling and what soap I'm using. But I always enjoy myself. Otherwise what's the point?
Like a few of the others, I have no problem with a BBS every day, and frankly I have shaved twice a day more than a few times.. Yeah, addicted. :blushing:

That said, last week I discovered that a two pass shave with a DE (WTG, XTG) renders a DFS that makes the old Mach III look useless.

So, I have options..

The real irony is that pre-DE I looked forward to the weekend as a time to not shave and just let it go.. now I look forward to the weekend so I can get a BBS shave... in the morning, after dinner, out on my deck... I just can't get enough!! :thumbup:
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