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daily shave and itchy feel

Dear guys,
I need your help again:thumbup1:

My problem is itchy feel at my neck area after shaving, usually I can feel it even next day. I use to shave every night after shower before going to bed.
Before this, I used to shave every 3 days but that's history now since I really can't stand the beard, makes me feel ''dirty''.
Anyway, I use Sensor Excell, Avene sensitive shaving gel and Avene aftershave balm. After the shower, I massage the gel gently into the skin and do the very light first pass down the grain, next pass is up the grain, very very light pressure.
Why I go up someone might ask?
Because I have skinny face with loads of ''hard to get'' spots and after first pass I am pretty bad shaved, cheeks are usually fine but around neck no way, I just need to go upward:glare:
After shaving I usually splash my face 1 minute with extra cold water and apply balm.
To be honest first half an hour I can't feel itching at all and then it starts slowly.

I was thinking that maybe this happens because my skin didn't used to daily shave yet?

I am seeking for some advice please
Thanks. and sorry for grammar mistakes
I am still Croatia guy:tongue_sm
Hello there and welcome to B&B. You could try and obtain a Gillette Tech (usually cheap on ebay) also purchase a sampler pack of DE razor blades. Also I would try and ditch the Aveeno goo. Try and get a decent shaving cream or soap along with a brush working on your face prep and lathering technique. Also look up Mantic59 on youtube, he has great instructional tutorials in all aspects of the wet shave.
I disagree, I think your tools are fine. You could invest in a better cream/soap if you want to, but Aveeno is supposed to be pretty good.

Sounds like you're getting skin irritation. Cause is usually bad technique - have you reviewed the stickies and watched Mantic's videos? There's probably something in there that you're doing wrong or overlooking.
It sounds like you have dry skin on your neck.

I would wash my neck with warm water before bed, pat dry and immediately apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly (e.g. vaseline). Apply a thin layer and rub in well.

You'll probably have to continue doing this through the Winter at least.
For me it was what I put on after shaving. Any balm, or AS, left me with the itchy neck below my chin. Now I just lather, shave, rinse and run a block of alum over my skin. Make one change at a time in your routine untill you find the answer.
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