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D.R. Harris Sandalwood

OK, for reference, I've tried a handful of sandalwoods - most of them have a common scent for me, except for two - Salter & this Harris.

I shaved with Green Pond Sandalwood cream (just received), and liked the scent. Thought I was going to be in for a treat with the splash, since I hear Harris scents the Green Pond cream. I splash it on, and I swear it's like I picked up a bottle of Clubman instead! What the heck?

Guess I like the "crappy" Sandalwood better than the real deal. For reference, the bottle came from one of our most reputable vendors, sealed in the D.R. Harris box.
I picked up a bottle D.R. Sandalwood a few weeks back and can understand your comparison to Clubman Sandalwood. It doesn't have as much of an unsettling punch as Clubman to me, but it will not be an AS that I buy again.

Infact, my fiance wishes I wouldn't have bought it all and hates when I wear it. Might have to put this one up on the B/S/T.
I mean Pinaud Clubman - not Sandalwood. Just Clubman. I swear I don't smell a lick of the Sandalwood scent I'm accustomed to. Off the top of my head, I'm referencing:

Vintage Blades brand Sandalwood Cream
Mama Bear Vanilla Sandalwood
TOBS Sandalwood Cream
AoS Sandalwood Cream
Salter Sandalwood Cream (gingerbread, IMO)

If I've been wrong all this time about Sandalwood's true scent, I'm not sure how.
I really like sandalwood and have tried a bunch, including the straight essential oil.

IMO, DRH Sandalwood is a nice splash on it's own, but it struck me as spicy/tangy, not woodsy, and I didn't get any sandalwood from it.

It might have something to do with different oils being called sandalwood...the Australian and the West Indian both smell differently than the Mysore variety, but they're all called sandalwood. I don't know if there's anything to this or not.
Ah this is a silly question, and i'm sure you've heard it all before, but for a noob who's never smelt Sandalwood, how would you describe the fragrance?:blink:

DR Harris 'Arlington' is my fave soap, so I expect sooner or later I'll try all their varities.
Ah this is a silly question, and i'm sure you've heard it all before, but for a noob who's never smelt Sandalwood, how would you describe the fragrance?:blink:

DR Harris 'Arlington' is my fave soap, so I expect sooner or later I'll try all their varities.

To me, that's as hard as describing Cedar - it's a fairly atomic smell, used to describe other smells. Sandalwood as I know it is predictably woodsy, and almost sweet but very masculine.
The DR Harris aftershaves are all quality. Like em' or hate em', you can't deny they are quality. The synthetic scent and cheap packaging of Clubman is not in the same league.
lol man people have some weird nose's. Clubman is powdery barbarshop scent, DR sandalwood is a sweet anise woody scent. For the life of me i cant find any similarity between the two.
I don't understand how anyone could possibly smell Clubman from this Harris splash. There's no powder to speak of, and the Harris carries a significant star anise note not found in Clubman at all. YMMV, I guess. I personally like this AS, but I reserve it's use for the Fall where I find it's spiciness works best. It's also such a long lasting fragrance I use it like a cologne was well as an AS.
If you want a really good Sandalwood splash, go for SCS Sandalwood. It does have a bit more vanilla in it than I like, but so far, it is the least expensive and the very best Sandalwood AS I have found.
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