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D R HARRIS Marlborough....Alt Innsbruck...hmmmmm...

Both of these get lavish praise--and I want both, but am going to settle for one for the near term.

For those of you that have both--is there one you are into more than the other? Can you compare the scents as you 'smell' them?

I just, just placed an order for both these. Looking forward to try. I had a harder time ordering the DRH, as I haven't tried it, and I find the price to be excessive. My hope is that the scent isn't too strong, or else I will have to use it as a cologne also. It seems opinion on whether the scent lasts is mixed. So I'm interested to hear what people have to say.
Can't address the DRH but I can recommend the Alt Innsbruck if you prefer the subtle approach. It's starts off bright with a mature amount of menthol and dries down to a quiet tobacco flower scent that has remarkable staying power. For me, it comes back a bit after some mild physical exertion but is never a CB weapon that will floor those nearby. Hope this helps.
Gents on this forum LOVE their Alt Innsbruck, just ordered some from Bullgoose and also ordered a refill on the DRH Arlington, which is currently my favorite AS. I've got high expectations for the Alt, and I love menthol.
I think, probably, that if I were forced to only use on aftershave for the rest of my life, it would be Alt-Innsbruck.

If there's something better, I haven't tried it yet.
Alt has a sweeter almost licorice tobacco scent. Marlborough is a slightly muskier tobacco scent.

I sold my Marlborough and don't like to use my AI because it seems to irritate my skin.
I think, probably, that if I were forced to only use on aftershave for the rest of my life, it would be Alt-Innsbruck.

If there's something better, I haven't tried it yet.

Agreed. AI is hard to beat.

Alt has a sweeter almost licorice tobacco scent. Marlborough is a slightly muskier tobacco scent.

Yes. Some people don't like the licorice/tobacco vibe but I do. More importantly, AI is by far the most effective of my aftershaves and is the main reason I stopped using AS balms. It's that good.
First run with DRH Marlborough today. Strong alcohol and cedar scent to start, lingers a bit. Feels pretty good, though not as nice as Speick, I would say. Will return with comments on Alt-Innsbruck tomorrow.
Tried DR Harris again today, instead of Alt-Innsbruck. Works well, but again, not as much of a satisfying tingle as Speick. AI tomorrow, but if you're deciding between the two, I will agree with the rest of the crowd: AI.
Get Alt-Innsbruck. As long as you like the smell--flowery tobacco--it's easily better than DR Harris. For me, at least.
I am a huge fan of DR Harris - but for me the Marlborough was awful - so bad I could not give it away. I respect everyone's opinion on this site and I realize some gents like it - why, I have no idea.
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