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D.R. Harris Arlington soap review

Let's not be so hard on the reviewer.

My first try with T&H luxury shaving soap was a wash out because the soap was harder than what the brush could handle (would not load no matter what I did).

Next day I tackled it with a stiffer brush and everything turned out lather city.....

If the OP is not happy with Arlington they can always PIF it off to any number of B&B folks

I'm surprised you got 2 passes with 4-5 swirls. You were probably Skimping on product to even do that. If that little product cut through 3 days worth as easily as you say it did, then imagine what the appropriate amount will do. DRH soaps are incredible. Most agree on that. The biggest disagreement is over what scent is the best!

I saw my brush load up to the top, so I figured that was enough and maybe another 10 swirls or so would have let me continue without the need to re-swirl. Who's to say? It's not set in stone that you need to swirl your brush in X amount of times. It was good for 2 passes and a 3rd or 4th pass needed re-swirling. Think of it as enjoying the soap's scent some more by doing this. Don't look at it negatively.
There is no issue. The soap is fine, I just added too much water and not enough lather. Again, the soap isn't bad at all. For the price, I'd rather have something better that is all. I've got semi-hard water too, but it doesn't effect my lather at all. 120 swirls for what? What are you shaving that you need that MUCH lather? I hope you realize that the left over lather will be washed away in the end. That's very wasteful for a nice soap like DRH Arlington.

The only reason someone would need to lather their soap up that much would be one of a few things; they either have very, very hard water or their brush sucks performance wise or they enjoy being wasteful.
Yes, as mentioned I do have very hard water. And quite honestly you need to check out the 3017 thread. I believe most triple milled soaps like DR. Harris are lasting 3 months of daily use and they are loading quite heavily. So 3 months of daily use is quite a long time and makes the cost quite irrelevant in the long run. I enjoy having tons of lather and because of very hard water extra soap is needed to negate the calcium and magnesium before I can even generate a lather. I am no in this to save money but rather to enjoy my shaves and to have sucky lather is to not enjoy a shave. So suck up the extra 2cents it will cost per shave to actually get the lather that the soap can give you and start having fun!
I have never used DRH soaps, so I have no dog in this fight. I will say that with better loading technique you will have a much higher chance of getting a satisfying shave out of this soap, or any reliable hard milled puck like it.

To the OP, you need to accept the fact that you don't know how to load your brush with a hard puck. People here are just trying to help - that's all.

Check this link:


I linked to my post because I see this problem on here all the time. The whole thread is worth reading though.
To the OP, you need to accept the fact that you don't know how to load your brush with a hard puck. People here are just trying to help - that's all.

Check this link:


I linked to my post because I see this problem on here all the time. The whole thread is worth reading though.


When you do a review you should state how long you've been wet shaving, how many soaps you've tried, and what else you've used that you like. This will let people determine if the review is even worth reading.

This one was not.
When you say this, are you referring to the moisturizing properties or in general?
I was referring to the slickness and density of the lather. If you were to ask me how they compare it terms of moisturizing, I think I would say they are pretty close, but I'd want a shave with each to confirm! It has been since before October since using either as I've committed to a single soap at a time...
I don't understand why the OP is so worried about "wasting" product. It is a soap. Even if you use a puck of soap everyday and load the hell out of it, with lather pouring over the sides, it will last at least 6 months...probably more. Nothing is being "wasted". Of course some lather is left on the brush that needs to be rinsed off...but that is no different than with a cream. LOAD YOUR BRUSH!!!!! You may end up really liking this soap if you use it right....or not. But I think most products take a few tries before a decisive "not worth it". Just my opinion though.
I have never used DRH soaps, so I have no dog in this fight. I will say that with better loading technique you will have a much higher chance of getting a satisfying shave out of this soap, or any reliable hard milled puck like it.

To the OP, you need to accept the fact that you don't know how to load your brush with a hard puck. People here are just trying to help - that's all.

Check this link:


I linked to my post because I see this problem on here all the time. The whole thread is worth reading though.

I know how to load a puck of soap...I didn't feel the need to load it for 5 minutes as others are intending. Next time, I'll swirl the soap for a full minute to a minute in a half. That way no one can say I didn't load the soap well enough.

When you do a review you should state how long you've been wet shaving, how many soaps you've tried, and what else you've used that you like. This will let people determine if the review is even worth reading.

This one was not.

Gotcha! Thanks for the tip, I'll remember this next time.
I saw my brush load up to the top, so I figured that was enough and maybe another 10 swirls or so would have let me continue without the need to re-swirl. Who's to say? It's not set in stone that you need to swirl your brush in X amount of times. It was good for 2 passes and a 3rd or 4th pass needed re-swirling. Think of it as enjoying the soap's scent some more by doing this. Don't look at it negatively.

Where's the negativity? All I said was my impression of your description was that I was surprised you would have sufficient product. As you point out, there's more than one way to skin a cat. My point had more to do with not reinventing the wheel.
Point is, you need a certain amount of product to get the lather going...I think that you're missing out on how this all works. If you want to use less soap, a smallscrubby brush...think under 20mm knot will use up less soap. I always have a little left over lather after I shave and never worry about it. Your load as you go approach clearly isn't working based on your initial write up...dunno anyone that does that.
Thanks for all of the information and feedback everybody. It looks like DR Harris is the way to go. I have tried some other creams like the Real Shaving Company and they seem OK. However, I am a home soap maker and I spent a good while formulating my own tallow based shaving soap with some clay in it and I must say that it works much better than this cream. I can tell a huge difference in the closeness and quality, and especially the comfort of my shave. I cannot triple mill my soaps though and wondering about the quality. I think I will give it a try with DR Harris and see. I am especially curious about the scent of Arlington and Marlborough. This will give me a good benchmark for my homemade soap for sure.

Thanks, Brad
Load your brush more, 4-5 swirls doesn't cut it, and try again.

Amen, 4-5 swirls won't cut it for any soap I've used.

If DRH is runny, you either have to much water or not enough soap.... in this case not enough soap....

Try it again loading for maybe 20-30 seconds. DRH when lathered properly is luxuriantly lather-y and Arlignton's scent is wonderful while being not too pungent.
Just posted this in another thread:

Gotta say....pulled out the DR Harris Arlington today after using it to defunk my 2012 Semogue LE. While that was ripening, I still needed a shave. Loaded up my Semogue 620 for about a minute....awesome lather burst in my Dirtybird mixing bowl. 3 pass BBS, no nicks using a DE89 head and a Weber Bulldog handle.

Was it the soap alone? Probably not. But I'll be reaching for the DR Harris much more now...
this is an older post but i like to bring up i just tried it and is shaves nice, this price no , not worth it, the smell is fresh but faint ,i need a stronger scent-if this scent where strong it would be a winner
I have my very first D.R. Harris soap (Arlington) coming in the mail. I've been using C&E sandalwood soap and it's decent. I used Marco's method (thanks Marco) when I switched to soap and I'm sure I use more product than I need every time I shave. To me, too much is better than not enough and if I burn through my soaps faster, then I can BUY MORE.

To the OP...In my short time here, there is not a single aspect of DE shaving that I have not been able to research on this site and get assistance from fellow members. Stick with it and I do not doubt that you will love your new soap, as shall I.

Everyone around here raves about Arlington so there must be something to it :thumbup: Good luck!
Amen, 4-5 swirls won't cut it for any soap I've used.

If DRH is runny, you either have to much water or not enough soap.... in this case not enough soap....

Try it again loading for maybe 20-30 seconds. DRH when lathered properly is luxuriantly lather-y and Arlignton's scent is wonderful while being not too pungent.

And a stiffer brush!
I have my very first D.R. Harris soap (Arlington) coming in the mail. I've been using C&E sandalwood soap and it's decent. I used Marco's method (thanks Marco) when I switched to soap and I'm sure I use more product than I need every time I shave. To me, too much is better than not enough and if I burn through my soaps faster, then I can BUY MORE.

To the OP...In my short time here, there is not a single aspect of DE shaving that I have not been able to research on this site and get assistance from fellow members. Stick with it and I do not doubt that you will love your new soap, as shall I.

Everyone around here raves about Arlington so there must be something to it :thumbup: Good luck!
i have been using E&C for years and i love the soap and the smell is strong, and lasting -best soap on the market, as far as I am concerned- as far a how many swirls it takes to get lather, it takes many i dont even count guessing maybe 30 i just swirl fast and lather forms, no thought involved
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My puck of Arlington soap arrived in the mail today so I used it to shave after the gym. It was my first purchase of what I see as "the classics" on B&B. It lathered up really well and it was an awesome shaving experience. I was using my EJ best badger brush and it lathered up fine. I had to hit the puck again for the third and final pass, but I know that's due to a technique shortcoming on my part as I am a recently converted face latherer.

It's the best soap I've tried so far.
I cannot upload any pics. My phone today just doesn't want to cooperate whenever I send them to my email to be uploaded.

I opened up the box today, there was a citrusy/lemony smell coming from the soap and box, nothing too overwhelming or bad in anyway. Just kind of takes away from it's character if it has too much of a one dimensional scent. Anyways, after some time trying to find a bowl to keep it in, I eventually found one and pressed it in.

Cleaned my sink with some bathroom cleaner first and then I filled up the sink with hot water (always do this when shaving). Submerged my brush in the water for a few minutes, swirling it back and fourth a few times and pulled out and allowed it to drip upside down. I swirled the puck 4-5 times and it lathered alright. It was enough from 2 passes, it did require more lathering for more than 2. This soap was very runny. I couldn't get it to stay thick on the neck. But, it went through a 3-4 days worth of growth pretty well.

It was just slick and smooth, with no drying effect whatsoever. Just smooth skin when rinsed with water. Although, I did have some trouble when I shaved across my neck under my jaw line. To be fair though, I've always had an issue with that part. This soap does NOT work with blade buffing for whatever reason. I couldn't get it to perform blade buffing with my Merkur HD razor. I didn't have to spend as much time trying to shave all the bits and pieces of stubble left over.

Is it worth the $? No, it's definitely not... There are better soaps out there for the same price. This is just my opinion, since this is my first soap in a LONG time and haven't used any other soaps such as Mitchell's Woolfat or Tabac or Trumpers. I remembered why I hate soaps. I hate having to clean up the residue on from the soap. It's wasteful...

For me, D.R. Harris soaps are top notch in all respects. As with all hard milled soaps like Harris, I use a general rule of thump for loading by swirling with a damp brush and then bowl lathering. I use 10-15 seconds of loading per pass. Since I almost always shoot for a 4 pass BBS shave, I load DR Harris soaps between 40 and 60 seconds and still get a ton of shaves out of a puck. I bowl lather adding a few drops of water at a time until the soap no longer feels sticky on the bottom of the bowl and the lather is shiny and peaking. Always great lather with excellent glide and protection, with good post shave feeling. As far as price and value, well I just landed a purchase of 6 different scents of the refills for $6.25 per puck. But if you can find a puck for around $13.50 its still a great value. I'll have enough Harris for a considerable time and will load it like crazy and love it!
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