Pardon the ramble, but I wanted to share something I "discovered" this evening. I just finished restoring my great grandfather's shave brush (a Fuller Badger) with a knot from TGN. Now, most of us know that the best way to "de-stink" the brush is to lather up and let it sit for a while. Being relatively new to the world of DE shaving, I've acquired a plethora of shaving soaps and creams in a variety of scents. I love each one in its own right, especially MWF and TOBS Grapefruit. Well, tonight, curiosity struck and I decided to combine the two into a superlather I've read about but never tried. The result: sheerly brilliant lather. It had the MWF soapy notes mixed with a light grapefruit smell and coated my hand to perfection. I already know what tomorrow's combination will be before I even wake up, and I'm going to be like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning tonight to try out my new concoction. I'm sure someone else has already discovered this, but reading about it and trying it are two very different things. As always, YMMV, but I love it!