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Crusty brown Vintage Williams lathered up!

Well, I did it tonight... I when ahead and lathered up my crusty brown Williams of unknown vintage. I got this puck with some other NOS soaps back in 2000 or 2001, at an estate sale. I soaked the nasty looking Virgin puck for about 45 seconds to a minute in 120 degree water, some crap floated off the puck. Then I dumped the water and when to town the Ever-Ready F40 brush. I loaded the brush for about 15-20 seconds seconds and had instant lather puking out of the insert. At that point I moved the loaded brush to the mug, after about 45 seconds of lathering, I stopped right there and took pics of the lather on the brush plus the excess in the mug I scraped out.

Tomorrow should be a Sweet shave after a Full lathering session :) Tallow rocks eh??








Funny, I looked at the pictures before what you wrote, and thought to myself that it looked as though your brush had vomited all over your counter. Found it funny that you described your lather as puking out. Anywho, handsome looking lather, despite the odd setup!


The wife's investment
Stuff lathers like crazy, but I found it a little drying to my skin. I'll be curious to see how you like it. It should shave great.
After you get past the outer crust that thing us going to be awesome. I just scrape the rind off but the hot water does the trick. Enjoy.
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