Well, I did it tonight... I when ahead and lathered up my crusty brown Williams of unknown vintage. I got this puck with some other NOS soaps back in 2000 or 2001, at an estate sale. I soaked the nasty looking Virgin puck for about 45 seconds to a minute in 120 degree water, some crap floated off the puck. Then I dumped the water and when to town the Ever-Ready F40 brush. I loaded the brush for about 15-20 seconds seconds and had instant lather puking out of the insert. At that point I moved the loaded brush to the mug, after about 45 seconds of lathering, I stopped right there and took pics of the lather on the brush plus the excess in the mug I scraped out.
Tomorrow should be a Sweet shave after a Full lathering session
Tallow rocks eh??
Tomorrow should be a Sweet shave after a Full lathering session