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i freaking hate crox.... there i said it... i put my flame proof suit on....

i have given CROX several opportunities and time after time i have not been impressed with the edges...... last night was the final straw.... it just f's up the edge i spend time making.... i was soooo po'd last night it wasn't funny... went to shave and it tugged like no tomorrow on my mustache area.... *(this is my test area and i know how the shave will go by just my first stroke)....

i will rehone my beautiful golden edge and beg her forgiveness for putting this crap against her.....

diamond sprays FOREVER!!!!!
cotton belting... very soft and smooth.... one with diamonds is awesome... will revive the saddest of edges...

the CROX however is just soooooooooooooooooooo underwhelming... it removes so much sharpness from the blade it is just saddening...
Nothing for me. Straight off the stones.

~~~the golden rule when honing straight razors on natural stones is...naturals and Cr0x do not mix, coticule even more so. I find Cr0x rewarding after using lapping film but I never go to Cr0x after coti or my J-nat. Others may have better or different ideas


Reddick Fla.
umm..maybe your mustache is transforming itself into stainless steel hairs....:001_tongu...I tried Clorox paste as well sometime ago..meh..didnt feel any better..felt a bit harsher come to think of it..you could always try diamond spray (CBN)..hope im not getting these confused..lol
I don't care for pasted strops. Ruins a good coticule edge for me and makes the shave harsh. I've tried it on balsa and leather and neither did anything useful for me. Maybe cotton would but I don't want to ruin a nice cotton strop. But as always if it works for you, go for it....


I’m stumped
I have not used Crox since I got my JNAT a month ago.
It was my good friend when my finishing stone was a 12K Naniwa. The edge remained keen just not as harsh.
I love Crox on a hanging strop for my pocketknives, gives them a nice an shiny convex bevel that lasts longer.
On razors I stopped using it, I like my edges straight from a coticule or JNat to leather.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Hmmm. This is definitely a YMMV thing. I use it on a balsa bench strop and get really good results. I personally don't use any pastes on a hanging strop. To me going to all the trouble of making sure your hones are flat, then rounding the bevel in the final step makes no sense.
I don't find crox to be helpful anymore.
Plus - I don't like the green dust, it gets all over stuff.

When an edge falls off - I just rehone it.
If I didn't want to do that, then I'd probably use pastes for, at least, touching-up an edge.

I don't like pastes much to be honest. They work, I just don't like using them.
In the past, I ised Crox and Diamond for smoothing out or bumping up an edge. At this point - they're an unnecessary complication and distraction.
I'm not saying pastes aren't good or they don't work or whatever.
I get what I'm looking for, edgewise, from the stones - and I'm happy with that.

Ive tried a few types of crox - the best for me was Hand American's .5 um liquid.
I never had any success with bulk crox powder, or sticks.
There is quite a difference between the stuff sold in paint stores & the stuff specifically sold for sharpening IMO.
However, even then CrOx seems to be hit or miss for many, including myself.

Balsa is what I have found to be the best substrate for it.

but like with everything else, YYMV seems to vary alot..
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