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Cremo @ Wally World

Walmart is cycling a bunch of new (to them) wetshaving products onto their shelves. Today, for the first time, I found a tube of Cremo. A 6 oz. tube ran $5.25 after applying the attached coupon. I've never tried it before, but the Reviews are mostly positive. The scent is a strong orange oil.
I'll have to check here.
Thanks for the heads up.
I have been looking for this to hit the shelf for sometime now.
I picked up some at wally world. No instructions to say its brushable. I do find it brushable, and very slick. It likes my badger best as it likes more water than my other creams. makes a great superlather with a little on a puck of vdh.

Smell seemed strong at first but I'm digging it.

I just went back to the same Walmart. They all have Every Man Jack unscented shaving cream. I don't recall seeing that brand there before.
I use cremo with a brush; their website gives you brush instructions. I like it, but I find that it smells like olive oil after a while.
It won't lather up but you can use a brush to apply it. It is a latherless cream so don't be surprised when you try to face lather and it stays creamy.
The Cremo does condition your skin nicely and helps the razor glide along for a pass or two per application. It has a mixed reputation here, but is all in all not bad stuff.

I use it as a preshave conditioner, letting it sit on the beard while I bowl lather, then rewet the Cremo and apply whatever soap or cream lather with a brush, right on top. Once you've learned how to use it to compliment your regimen you might like it. I could do without the scent though, especially if I am using a fragrant cream for my lather.
Cremo is also carried at Bed, Bath and Beyond stores that have the new (well, newer) "personal care" sections if you can't find it at your local Wally World.
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