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Crabtree & Evelyn Shaving Mug Find!!

WoW the good wife came home with a present for me.....
a boxed Crabtree & Evelyn Shaving Mug, this is my first shaving mug too,
it cost her £3.00!!!!
so i really no nothing about mugs etc, can anyone educate me more please.....



thank you!
Good deal for 3 quid

That mug is designed to have the soap at the top with warm water in the belly. Alledgedly the soap is warmed up and becomes more pliable with the hot water so that it is easier to load your brush. I think the brush goes in the big hole to absorb the water.
Very cool! I've seen those before and was thinking about getting one of those old style scuttles. It seems like they'd work great for soaps. Maybe even better than the current style scuttles. Let us know how you like it. You're a lucky man to have your wife on the lookout for cool shaving items. Congrats on both accounts.
Lovely scuttle...and for £3!:001_tt1:...

I assume it must be fairly large compared to usual traditional scuttles, because (presumably) if it's made to fit C&E soaps, and most 'traditional' scuttles fit soaps that are only about 50-65g and 3"/7cm diameter.
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this one has a 7cm diameter, mate

Lovely scuttle...and for £3!:001_tt1:...

I assume it must be fairly large compared to usual traditional scuttles, because (presumably) if it's made to fit C&E soaps, and most 'traditional' scuttles fit soaps that are only about 50-65g and 3"/7cm diameter.
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