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B&B’s Champion Corn Shucker
Here’s one I forgot I had. Neat little stone with manganese in the bbw. This is one of the only cotis I’ve had that you can easily scratch with a fingernail. You can actually cut a groove in it in seconds with a thumb nail.
Thanks, yes, that was what I was thinking of. Having a sample size of precisely one, and a small one at that, is it normal for them to be so soft? Like, quite a bit softer than an average BBW. Almost to the point it would limit its use as a whetstone, I would have thought.

Could the one on the little coticule I have be just intended to be a non functional backing, as most BB stone was back in the day?

Edit, adding a link to remind myself to read it once the kid is in bed and things settle down.

I have a suspected one on a glued combo. It's softer than my really fine bbws on natural combos but it seems about as fine. Like a good coticule edge with a slightly keener feel. I like it, got it out of dumb luck and had it a year before it dawned on me it might not be a red bbw.


Staff member
Neat stone. Is it glued or natural?

It’s natural.

The transformation is amazing, @Legion. Did you have any idea the Coticule layer was so thick?

Nope, just that there was a coticule under the gunk, despite it being listed as an Arkansas. I must have been the only one to recognize what it was, because it had been up for a while before I noticed it, and if it had been listed correctly it would have been snapped up.


"Look what I found"
I think the red dots are a clue as well, I've bought a couple for that reason.

I have a few Coticules with burgundy shaded BBW containing pink dots, streaks, and inclusions. They all are above average in capability, running in performance equal to my stones with manganese orb’s in the BBW. One of my favorite pictured


Nice relic, wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it had 18th century pedigree


Staff member
Nice relic, wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it had 18th century pedigree
Thanks. I was thinking the same, especially since it has the curious and slightly pointless hole drilled in the nose. That means, however old the wooden base appears to be, the stone has an even older history hanging off something before the base was made.

Gets my imagination going, thinking about its history, and how the heck it even found its way to Australia and when.



B&B’s Champion Corn Shucker
Thanks. I was thinking the same, especially since it has the curious and slightly pointless hole drilled in the nose. That means, however old the wooden base appears to be, the stone has an even older history hanging off something before the base was made.

Gets my imagination going, thinking about its history, and how the heck it even found its way to Australia and when.

View attachment 1818348
They go way, waaaay back. The oldest one I have has 1761 carved into the side, along with the owners initials. I’d love to know why they made them boat shaped like that.


Staff member
They go way, waaaay back. The oldest one I have has 1761 carved into the side, along with the owners initials. I’d love to know why they made them boat shaped like that.
Yeah, me too. It was your boat shaped one that made me excited when I spotted this.

Maybe someone asked for a bout and they got confused. 😜
Soaking the wooden base as we speak. There's lots of woodworm holes in the base, should I be worried about these beasts still being active and possibly contaminate my cupboard and floors?

Anyone able to identify the vein/layer?




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