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Coticule love... show off your rock

Nice vintage combo hone - 8 x 2 (200mm x 50mm), creamy whites and manganese.
Very fine, medium on slurry, somewhat slow on water. Great mellow edge.
BBW has a nice sparkle to it. This is in sunlight, dry.



B&B’s Champion Corn Shucker
That's a beauty right there. I don't think I've seen a transition quite like that one before. Very nice stone, congrats!
Yeah, that's gorgeous. The only shame is you'll never reach that hybrid zone to play around with. And David, you have seen it before. Gooser posted the same kind of transition a few pages back on a smaller stone, just without those cool little blue streaks in it. I remember because I have a similar stone and I mentioned it to him. Mine doesn't have as bold of the Manganese lines like these two, though.

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Yeah it would take me several lifetimes to get to that hybrid layer. The stone came in a very nice box that was stamped "1 MED" for what it's worth. I have no idea what it could refer to. Any coti history buffs want to chime in?
Yup, when lapped they would lighten again, so search me why you would darken them on purpose, other than to demonstrate it concerns a La Grosse Blanche.

I put mine out in the sun to see how dark they would get. Yes the surface will lighten with use, but the sides won't unless you are somehow honing on the side of your stone. I lapped them before putting them in the sun, so I wouldn't have to worry about flatness. In my experience, Coticules don't need to be perfectly flat anyway.
I came across a vintage coti. It is 4x2. Don't know anything about these. Compared to my synthetic stones this seems tiny. The white layer seems very close to the black on one side. Guessing this means very little life left. Any info would be great.

And now the pictures:
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