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Coti Surprise

Oh good, it's just a normal BBW. I guess it was just lighting/dirtiness.

Chris/Paul: If I were a betting man, I'd still bet on BBW and not slate. Vintage coticules don't have slate backing. :p

Joe: I'm still interested in playing with that hone sometime. Although, you'd have better luck with actual identification if you posted pictures over at that other place with all those coticule troublemakers.

Let me play around with it some more and then I can loan it to you for awhile. To be honest, I don't really care about identifying my coti's as much as I care about learning them. They are all vintage (aren't all coti's technically) and may or may not come from current veins being mined.
These are Le Latneuse id it helps determine the back at all. It looks like an unlapped one from these pics of roughly lapped ones to me.
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Its hard to tell from pics It looks like one thing one way and a completely different composition another. Those are my favorite. I like the out of the ordinary. Look at the women I've dated.:blink:
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