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Rob's morning multi-quote 100-line posts in the Clown House and the Barber Shop. If he answered each one individually, he'd have 10000 more posts (but would probably have gone nuts waiting for 30 seconds between posts).
Congrats Rob! :w00t:

Rob's morning multi-quote 100-line posts in the Clown House and the Barber Shop. If he answered each one individually, he'd have 10000 more posts (but would probably have gone nuts waiting for 30 seconds between posts).

That's of course assuming that Rob is sane to begin with. :wink:
He sat there boldly

Postin' in the sun

Posts like a million

Before the day is done

He uses smileys

Often more than one :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


I was new here

Didn't have a care

Shaving with Williams

And I missed a lot of hair

But he was helpful and

Posted everywhere


SlagleRock, Thinks I'm too high on PC :001_tt2:

SlagleRock, He just posts prolifically

SlagleRock, He was Moderating me

SlagleRock :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through Japan
Not a creature was stirring, except for this man.
The BST threads were bookmarked with care
In the (rather slim) hopes English Fern would be there.
The civilians were nestled all snug in their beds
But visions of Penhaligons danced on in his head.
Before the computer all night he did sit
Modding and posting and shooting the s**t
When out in the rice field there rose such a clatter
He sprung up in his boxers to see what was the matter.
When what to his wondering eyes should appear
But the trusty UPS man just hitting a deer.
The little old driver was obviously drunk
As in the grill was still stuck the deer (and a skunk)
More rapid than eagles the curses they came
As he stumbled, shouted and cursed several names:
Damn Austin! Suzuki! Scotto! And Doc!
Prof. Chaos! And Gruder! and damn SlagleRock!
Curse Scooptster! Timmy Boston! Third Eye and Ouch!
Who all keep me busy; I could be asleep on my couch!
And up to the front door he did stumble
Bowing and smiling and trying to look humble.
As the old man approached Slagle opened the door
And through he came crashing and onto the floor.
“Are you Mr. Slagle?” “Please sign here”, he said
"And take this damn shave gear so I can get back to bed"
Boxes and barrels, containers and crates
Purchases, trades, and PIFs from his mates
So sat Slagle in his cozy little place
Surrounded by gear, putting creams on his face.
Testing out razors and trying out balm,
Soap from his dad, cologne from his mom.
And on through the night he continued undaunted
As in his head swirled all the new items he wanted.

On a more serious note though, he’s a consummate gent
We’ve all watched in wonder at his rapid ascent
How many has he steered right, shown them the way?
(Bound to happen when you post 33 a day!)
So lets raise a cheer to this powerhouse member
And wish each other an awesome December!

Merry Christmas guys and congrats Rob.
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