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Converting Dad: Now's My Chance!

My dad is 66, and I know he used to use a Schick Krona at some point (I have it now), then a fixed head cart of some sort (I have the chrome handle), then for my whole life, an electric razor, which seems to suit him just fine. No complaints about the shave quality.

He knows about my compulsive fascination with shaving brushes and soaps, yet he's shown no interest in trying something like a D01 Shavemac and a proper soap. I've offered, but he "went through all that in the past" and "can't ever see shaving being fun" and "it's too time consuming." He's a civil Engineer, although he tends to be a "form over function" type of person, so I've always been surprised that he doesn't care much about all this. Maybe if he ever retires, he says.

Anyway, my mom and dad are coming to visit soon, and I told him I can pick up a Boots brand (UK) cart razor for a couple quid and he can use a brush and soap or cream. That way, he won't have to bring his electric. He's agreed to that, so we'll see how it goes.

Has anyone helped their dad rediscover the joys of traditional wet shaving?

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My dad is 66, and I know he used to use a Schick Krona at some point (I have it now), then a fixed head cart of some sort (I have the chrome handle), then for my whole life, an electric razor, which seems to suit him just fine. No complaints about the shave quality.

He knows about my compulsive fascination with shaving brushes and soaps, yet he's shown no interest in trying something like a D01 Shavemac and a proper soap. I've offered, but he "went through all that in the past" and "can't ever see shaving being fun" and "it's too time consuming." He's a civil Engineer, although he tends to be a "form over function" type of person, so I've always been surprised that he doesn't care much about all this. Maybe if he ever retires, he says.

Anyway, my mom and dad are coming to visit soon, and I told him I can pick up a Boots brand (UK) cart razor for a couple quid and he can use a brush and soap or cream. That way, he won't have to bring his electric. He's agreed to that, so we'll see how it goes.

Has anyone helped their dad rediscover the joys of traditional wet shaving?


Get him a Boots branded DE, those things rock for the money. Or let him have a go with his old Krona.
Get him a Boots branded DE, those things rock for the money. Or let him have a go with his old Krona.

I would, but he's more receptive to the cart idea. I've told him how mild a Tech is, but then I get the "I'll cut myself to ribbons" jab from him.

I can remember my dad having a DE when I was young. It was a TTO, b/c I remember playing with it. He claims that he doesn't recall ever using it, and is currently using an electric. I'd love to see him convert to a DE, but really don't see it happening. He does think its pretty interesting what I am doing, just not for him. Hope it goes well for you!
My husband converted me! And i'm so glad he didn't give up on me. Hope your dad has an awesome experience and this turns into something the two of you can enjoy together.
Has anyone helped their dad rediscover the joys of traditional wet shaving?


No, not yet. In fact, I gave my dad my last electric razor a couple years ago because I'm obsessive about getting a good shave and it wasn't cutting it. Throughout my childhood I watched him use a Trac II and a can of shaving cream, but now he's retired, and while he could spend two hours a day shaving if he wanted to, he only shaves once a week, with the electric, for church. Maybe this Christmas I should give him a DE set and see how it goes.

That's funny. I gave my dad my electric razor because his was no longer holding a charge.

I started my Dad off with TOBS cream , and when he was done with that , he wanted to try TOBS soap. He loves it !! He used to use a gillette TTO de years ago when I was younger , but then used Gillette Good News disposables like I did when I began shaving. He stockpiled all these disposables , but he wants to use them until they are gone. He then wants to go back to de !!
That's cool. The only "old-guy" convert I've helped make was a coworker's father. She bought her husband an HD on my recommendation, he didn't like it, so she gave it to her dad. He loves it.

Good luck!

My dad has been impossible to convert. Once he retires, though, and can no longer use the "I have no time" argument, I will be going full throttle :shifty: :biggrin:
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