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After shoving my fifth puck of soap back into its cardboard refill packaging after drying it and wrapping it in a baggy, I have concluded that I need somewhere a little more substantial to place my precious pucks.

What are the best cheap soap containers you've found on the interwebs?
My husband uses the Anchor glass custard bowls w/ lids. They look nice and are easy to stack.. he either mills or melts his soaps to mold into the bowl.
One-cup plastic tupperware (example: Ziploc XS).

+1 :thumbup1:

Go to the grocery store and get a pack of the ziplock/rubbermaid/gladware bowls with lids for like 3 bucks. Microwave safe for melting soaps, sturdy enough to mill and press in, and stackable.
+1 on the Anchor Hocking glass bowls with snap fit lids avaialble at Tarjay, Wally World, etc. Sturdy and made in the USofA. :thumbup:
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