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Considering a Feather over my 5/8th full hollow. Advice?

Hey guys.
I have a quick question, although I'm not sure what kind of an answer I am looking for. Perhaps personal experience?

I used to be a mach 3 guy, but was getting terrible razor burn, and ingrowns. So I bought my first straight almost 4 years ago, and have shaved exclusively with it since purchase. I generally shave very infrequently. My very rough estimate is about 100 shaves per year. Considering I bought this razor in November of 2008, I'd say it's seen about 375 shaves.

I strop before every shave; but am ashamed to admit have done nothing to attempt honing it. No stone, no pastes, nothing. As you can imagine, it's getting really dull. REALLY DULL.

I started pricing out honing supplies, but I have no idea what I'm doing, and am not real keen on learning. I was thinking about shipping it out somewhere to get it honed properly. But while doing my research I stumbled across the Feather line up. I browsed for a bit, and came across this beauty.

Feather Artist Club SS Non-Folding Razor
More info Here

I'm thinking about picking one up with a pack of Professional Super blades. Heck... It's only $120, for the razor and ~$20 for 20 blades!

But before I commit, what do you boys think? Considering my complete lack of maintenance thus far, it seems like a good idea. But on the other hand, I have no idea what I'm looking at in terms of shave quality. Is it more advisable to get say a 4000/8000 stone, and give'er a whirl?

Any help is appreciated.

If you are curious about my current razor; I'm not sure what it is exactly. I know its a 5/8th full hollow.

On one side it says:

On the other it says:

Thanks all.

proper straights is the only thing that works for me. hone it up and u will be set 4 quite a long time. as far as hones a coti and a c12k should be all that is required 2 get it running and maintain it indefinitely. who knows u might just like honing 2. or maybe get it honed and then a c12k would keep it running as well. tom


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
They are good to the point it spoils some never to go back to conventional straights. If you get absolutely no pleasure from stropping, and see no joy in honing, a Feather might be right up your alley.
I will hone your razor if you like, just pay shipping. PM me if you're interested.

You should buy that Feather though too, been thinking about getting one myself. I like the way they look more than anything and it seems like a good travel solution.
I have the basic version of the Western style Artist Club. I get an excellent shave with it. In case nobody else mentions it, they are Sharp, with a capital S! You only have to look at them in a funny way and you'll get cut!

Don't let me put you off though as they are an amazing razor. They just wipe the bristles away! Those Suoer Pro blades are my favourite. They show a bit more edge than the standard ones. Oddly enough, the blades with the training wheels (pro Guard) bite me but the Pros don't!

Excuse my briefness, I am typing on my mobile phone.

First off I greatly appreciate all of your feedback. I'm right on the fence. I'd really like to keep my investment here to less than $200, so unfortunately I can't immediately purchase both a stone, and a new razor. Secondly, I'd rather not buy 2nd bests. If that means bank my $200 and wait until later I can do that. But I don't want to settle for a ****ty stone, just so I can have both.

Anyway, I have 1 buddy who wet shaves. He bought his first straight last month. I bumped into him today, I mentioned my interest in the feather razor. He immediately said not to pursue it. He apparently started with a feather, and moved to a straight last month. His advice was that feathers gum up with lather, and cut hair way more than straights do. Not sure how to take that. Advice?

Wow that was far less brief than I wanted/expected.

Thanks again. I'll address your previous comments tomorrow, when I have computer access.

- Lawrence

Antique Hoosier

Good luck to you Lawrence whatever you choose. I prefer a traditional straight razor and keep mine sharp with a simple Couticle, pasted paddle strop, and a barber hone....
The Feather is a very nice razor, I use one along with a traditional straight razor. There isn't a best between the two imo. If you don't mind the up keep on a razor get the regular straight. If you don't want to deal with stropping and honing get the Feather. In the long run you will either be buying a strop and hone(s) or blades for the Feather.
Some may argue, but no one on this earth can or will hone a razor to be as sharp as a feather super pro blade. Plane and simple. My brother just bought me a folding feather for my birthday, I may never pick up one of my traditional straights again.
The Feather is certainly sharper than anyone can make a traditional straight. I have the folding AC, and Pro blades, and it does give a wonderful shave. However, as has been mentioned, it lacks the (for lack of a better word I'll use Henry's) soul of the traditional straight. I like the maintenance aspect of straights. The Feather is quite handy when traveling, though. I haven't experienced any "gumming up" as your friend mentioned. I clean it when I change blades - about 15 shaves for me. I'd say you can certainly have both for well under your $200 ceiling. Buy the Feather and send your blade out for a honing. Lapping film is cheap and effective, or even a pasted strop can keep your straight shave-worthy (provided you start with a good edge) for a very long time.

I think I might.


Similar discussion going on a few threads down here.

Thank You. Read.

proper straights is the only thing that works for me. hone it up and u will be set 4 quite a long time. as far as hones a coti and a c12k should be all that is required 2 get it running and maintain it indefinitely. who knows u might just like honing 2. or maybe get it honed and then a c12k would keep it running as well. tom

Lots of great advice here guys. I'm quite torn. Will likely end up buying both a quality honing set, and a feather.

Lapping films are cheap, extremely effective, and so simple even I can use them.

Never heard of them. I will do my research and get back to you.

They are good to the point it spoils some never to go back to conventional straights. If you get absolutely no pleasure from stropping, and see no joy in honing, a Feather might be right up your alley.

Funny enough, I really enjoy sharpening knives. I'm self admittedly no good at it, but I like messing around with all our kitchen knives. Something terrifies me about honing a straight though. I just know I'm going to ruin it.... or my face.

I will hone your razor if you like, just pay shipping. PM me if you're interested.

You should buy that Feather though too, been thinking about getting one myself. I like the way they look more than anything and it seems like a good travel solution.

WOW! Thank you so much! I will certainly take you up on that some day. What Country, State/Province are you in?
Travel solution eh? any idea what protects the blade on a non folder when not in use? or do you just take out the blade?

I have the basic version of the Western style Artist Club. I get an excellent shave with it. In case nobody else mentions it, they are Sharp, with a capital S! You only have to look at them in a funny way and you'll get cut!

Don't let me put you off though as they are an amazing razor. They just wipe the bristles away! Those Suoer Pro blades are my favourite. They show a bit more edge than the standard ones. Oddly enough, the blades with the training wheels (pro Guard) bite me but the Pros don't!


Thanks Gareth. I hear they are super sharp. I'm just about settled on buying one. Wait. Who am I kidding.... I am getting one.

I like the Feather non-folder ... as others have alluded, it is soulless but shaves so well.

Soulless eh?

Good luck to you Lawrence whatever you choose. I prefer a traditional straight razor and keep mine sharp with a simple Couticle, pasted paddle strop, and a barber hone....

It's posts like these that really make me think twice about buying a feather razor. I honestly do like the idea of following a traditional route. I guess I will be settling for both.

The Feather is a very nice razor, I use one along with a traditional straight razor. There isn't a best between the two imo. If you don't mind the up keep on a razor get the regular straight. If you don't want to deal with stropping and honing get the Feather. In the long run you will either be buying a strop and hone(s) or blades for the Feather.

Thank you Wid. Well put.

Some may argue, but no one on this earth can or will hone a razor to be as sharp as a feather super pro blade. Plane and simple. My brother just bought me a folding feather for my birthday, I may never pick up one of my traditional straights again.

LOL. I can't wait to get mine. How long have you been shaving with traditional razors for? How long have you been using the feather for?

The Feather is certainly sharper than anyone can make a traditional straight. I have the folding AC, and Pro blades, and it does give a wonderful shave. However, as has been mentioned, it lacks the (for lack of a better word I'll use Henry's) soul of the traditional straight. I like the maintenance aspect of straights. The Feather is quite handy when traveling, though. I haven't experienced any "gumming up" as your friend mentioned. I clean it when I change blades - about 15 shaves for me. I'd say you can certainly have both for well under your $200 ceiling. Buy the Feather and send your blade out for a honing. Lapping film is cheap and effective, or even a pasted strop can keep your straight shave-worthy (provided you start with a good edge) for a very long time.

Done. Thanks Price. I will be buying the feather, some lapping paste, and send the razor out for honing.

Thanks all! Pics to come eventually.

- Lawrence
WOW! Thank you so much! I will certainly take you up on that some day. What Country, State/Province are you in?
Travel solution eh? any idea what protects the blade on a non folder when not in use? or do you just take out the blade?

- Lawrence

No problem, I am in the US. State of Oklahoma.

You know, I was mainly thinking it would make a good travel solution because you wouldn't have to pack a strop which really isn't that big of a deal anyway. Didn't think about protecting the blade. I suppose taking it out would be the best way though.
Yep. I prefer not to have to worry about a strop when traveling. I have the folding version, so I don't have to worry about protecting the blade, but you'd want to remove it if you're packing it in a carry-on anyway.
I have a head protector for my DX. It is indipensible. With the cover on, I can just throw the razor in my dopp kit, no fuss no muss.

Get it.
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