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Consensus on Mystic Waters

For those who tried MW soaps, what was your conclusion.

  • Like the stuff/works for me

  • Gave up/not worth the trouble

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I am struggling with obtaining a decent, stable lather. It is not my first go 'round with Mystic Waters - I have had intermittent successes and good shaves. I just do not know why. I am curious what BBers who tried one or more MW soaps ultimately chose to do - continue b/c it works for them or to set it aside because it is not worth the trouble.

Please vote.

After repeated attempts, I am wondering if when using a MW soap, one's expectations of a thick lather is the same as with other soaps. I give you guys a lot of credit for figuring this puzzle out. However, that said, I'm getting close-I am getting a reasonable lather that is relatively stable, but clearly not in the league of the usual great performers.
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Mystic Waters lathers just easy and great for me...I face lather have med soft water, swirl my semi dry brush for about 15 - 20 seconds on the soap then start face lathering, I'll dip the brush tips 2 or 3 times back in the water along the way. Its just a balance of the right amount of water but with the brush not being too wet at the start.
Mystic Waters soaps are great and equal in performance to my other favorite artisan makers (Mike Natural Soaps, Queen Charlotte Soaps, Panna Crema, Jabonman).
I'm also having trouble creating decent and lasting lather. I had success on my first shave but not on subsequent shaves. I frequently shave with MNS and MWF (both of which I find amazing). I'm going to try a few more times, after which I will either keep it in rotation or just get rid of it. I load the brush plenty so it can't be lack of product.
Shaved with MW this morning. Shook most of water from brush, loaded about a minute, and face lathered adding water to tips a couple of times. Good lather and easy shave.
I never could get a protective lather from Mystic Water and something in the soap irritated my skin anyhow. However, lots of gents really like it.
Still working on getting the lather right. The scents are amazing and my skin feels great after which is why I haven't given up on it yet.
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I have a lily of the valley shave stick. Only used it one time but was really surprised. No other comments until I have the time to get back to it again.
I never could get a protective lather from Mystic Water and something in the soap irritated my skin anyhow. However, lots of gents really like it.

+1 I'm in the same boat. I got a lot of slick lather but not very protective/cushion.
Stil working on getting the lather right. The scents are amazing and my skin feels great after which is why I haven't given up on it ye

+1. Sometimes I get a great lather a d sometimes I don't. I'm still trying to dial it in perfectly but I really like the product.
Big fan of MW! I admit, a hard soap to lather. When you hit that sweet spot, though, magic happens. The best advice I can give: dry brush, load more, add water slowly (only 3 or 4 drops at a time), and fully mix water before determining if more is needed. A lot of trouble, but well worth it when you get that amazing shave!
I'm also having trouble creating decent and lasting lather. I had success on my first shave but not on subsequent shaves. I frequently shave with MNS and MWF (both of which I find amazing). I'm going to try a few more times, after which I will either keep it in rotation or just get rid of it. I load the brush plenty so it can't be lack of product.

I'm with usted Jorge. I am perplexed. I load the brush for 60 sec!!
Stil working on getting the lather right. The scents are amazing and my skin feels great after which is why I haven't given up on it ye

Me too. I actually tossed it a while back. But people seem to get it, so why shouldn't I?
I have made great lather with Mystic Water, but the Fragrances just have not provided me a Wow! One I was somewhat disappointed in was the Lime Lavender which was pretty weak with the Fragrance and the combination just did not work for me. The lather from the soap well it was outstanding, but again I get outstanding from so many shaves soaps now that I judge everything by the Fragrance.
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