Was just wondering if anyone has compared or read about a field test of adjustables ;
in this case Vintage vs the new Blackland Osprey - at $350 is the shave much better,
just a little , or about the same ??
@DonN not sure if you are just interested in the named new adjustable razors above or a comparison of any new/vintage adjustables. If the latter we've a recent thread on two new razors that use the same type of adjustment mechanism used by Gillette in the 1960's -80's in its various adjustable razors such as the Slim and Super Adjustable (Black Beauty).
Currently there are two relatively recently released (past 2-3 years) razors with this type of mechanism that we are aware of. At the premium end of the market ($100-$150) there is the Rockwell T2 and the Razorock Adjust (rebranded Baili) for under $15 at the budget end.
My first razor was a Super Adjustable in my college days and I purchased my Razorock Adjust this past November. I've found the Adjust to work well in similar fashion to my recollection of my Super Adjustable with an adjustment range that goes from mild to medium levels of aggressiveness.
Posts on the T2 from other in this thread indicate it is also in the mild to medium range and delivers great shaves. T2 also has excellent workmanship and great eye appeal.
Really glad to see that the classic Gillette type adjustment mechanism has been brought back. One benefit is that it does not rely on a central spring that has been the cause of many blade alignment issues on a number of today's new adjustable razor. We only recently realized that these two razors use that adjustment mechanism.
Since returning to DE shaving 4+ years ago I've been surprised that few of today's modern DE razors use the reliable and effective adjustment mechanism that was almost the standard in Gillette butterfly razors back in the 1960' through the early 1980's. This mechanism uses a platform with four...