Well, I finally managed to put my hands on this 3 aftershaves.
Why is it so important? La Toja and Clubman Pinaud BR have been in my wish list for way too long
English Leather aftershave is because I am almost sure my dad had it when I was around 12 (that's 20 years ago) and I could swore it was a Timberland lotion... but when I saw the bottle, I knew that was the one haha. The scent is warm and woody and I think I felt a tone of lime... but I can't be sure. I just know I like it and can't wait to use it again.
Now, La Toja is just too awesome. Some years ago, a member from ahother forum sent me some samples: Alt Ins Bruik and La Toja. The first one was great, I loved it and spent it very quickly. La Toja... I knew I had found my ultimate aftershave and I tried not to use it because I didn't want to empty the little sampler (5ml maybe) but... it happened and for about 3 years I never tried La Toja again. 2 weeks ago, my GF's mother went to Spain and guess what she brought me? I wanted to hug her hahaha
Finally, Clubman Pinaud Bay Rum... I have mixed feelings awith this one. There is a barbershop here tha smells really nice and for some reason, I convinced myself that the smell was probably bay rum. I think I saw this one [Amazon Link] at that barber shop and that's probably why I got the idea of Bay rum. Anyways, this one had been on my wish list for years too and I finally decided to buy it. My GF said it smelled nice "It reminds me of a food" we both started to think and we nailed it. The thing this aftershave smells like is what we call "Clavo de Olor", you know it as "Clove". Not sure if I like this one a 100% but I sure will use it. The smell is not bad, but is not what I expected. I've never been a fan of clove but I don't hate it either. (EDIT: I forgot to mention, I guess it's an acquired taste and I am sure I will like it a lot in the end haha)
So that's it. My new aftershaves and what I think of it.
I hope the read has been entertaining and didn't take much time from your work haha
Have a happy shave gentlemen!
Why is it so important? La Toja and Clubman Pinaud BR have been in my wish list for way too long
English Leather aftershave is because I am almost sure my dad had it when I was around 12 (that's 20 years ago) and I could swore it was a Timberland lotion... but when I saw the bottle, I knew that was the one haha. The scent is warm and woody and I think I felt a tone of lime... but I can't be sure. I just know I like it and can't wait to use it again.
Now, La Toja is just too awesome. Some years ago, a member from ahother forum sent me some samples: Alt Ins Bruik and La Toja. The first one was great, I loved it and spent it very quickly. La Toja... I knew I had found my ultimate aftershave and I tried not to use it because I didn't want to empty the little sampler (5ml maybe) but... it happened and for about 3 years I never tried La Toja again. 2 weeks ago, my GF's mother went to Spain and guess what she brought me? I wanted to hug her hahaha
Finally, Clubman Pinaud Bay Rum... I have mixed feelings awith this one. There is a barbershop here tha smells really nice and for some reason, I convinced myself that the smell was probably bay rum. I think I saw this one [Amazon Link] at that barber shop and that's probably why I got the idea of Bay rum. Anyways, this one had been on my wish list for years too and I finally decided to buy it. My GF said it smelled nice "It reminds me of a food" we both started to think and we nailed it. The thing this aftershave smells like is what we call "Clavo de Olor", you know it as "Clove". Not sure if I like this one a 100% but I sure will use it. The smell is not bad, but is not what I expected. I've never been a fan of clove but I don't hate it either. (EDIT: I forgot to mention, I guess it's an acquired taste and I am sure I will like it a lot in the end haha)
So that's it. My new aftershaves and what I think of it.
I hope the read has been entertaining and didn't take much time from your work haha
Have a happy shave gentlemen!
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