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Cleaning products to disinfect!

Hey Guys,
Just wondering if anyone here has every used an all purpose cleaning product (something like pine sol) to clean and disinfect their safety razor and blades? I was wondering if I could just dip the whole razor in a bowl of an all purpose cleaner to disinfect it and remove the build up of dry white gunk on my razor (probably from left over soap and cream residue)?
Would this be bad for the razor?
I use Simple Green. Spray it on full-strength, let it soak for about an hour, rinse it off, scrub it with a toothbrush, rinse it again, repeat several times.

I go with a 10~15 minute dip in Barbacide as the final treatment. I hesitate to call the razor "sterilized" at this point, but it is definitely "shave ready."
I hesitate to call the razor "sterilized" at this point, but it is definitely "shave ready."

I agree: "sterilized" is more than a healthy person needs for a simple shave at 12-60 hour intervals. "Sanitized" or "disinfected" is perfectly adequate. After all, neither one's face nor one's lather is sterilized, either.
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