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Classic_Razor on eBay

He has Chinese waterstones, 12k, 8k and 5k. Anyone have these, are they any good? He is in Poland and has a good eBay rating. He is selling a set for $50 + $20 shipping so it is quite a bit cheaper than the Norton or Naniwa. I just want to maintain edge/sharpness with the stones. Kind of like a barber stone. Any input appreciated.
Thanks, Jim
If all you want is to maintain an edge, Best bet is to look for a barber's hone, or some sort of CrOx strop, paddle, bench, felt, leather or what have you.
The Chinese 12 are said to give great edges but are really slow cutters (100 + down and back strokes) Haven't heard anything about the lower grit Chinese stones, but my guess would be that those would be slow cutters too, cost wise tough to beat the Norton set on amazon for 115 dollars or so, but you'd still need some sort of finishing stone ideally(barber hone).
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