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I got hooked up recently with Krona Kruiser about doing some re-plating (nickel) for 3 of my razors that needed a bit of a "face-lift".

What I had him do was my 1910 Model 102 Open Comb, Gillette New Open Comb and a 1965 Gillette Slim Adjustable. The New was actually 100% brassed.

Here are some pics...no doubt about it, a nice replate job is helpful.

As a point of fact - we have some pretty talented guys hanging around B&B!



I have a 1912 Ever-Ready on the way to him, (that he PIFd me the replate for, so I didn't break my restraint). After Christmas, I'll be sending him a Slim to replate as well. Very nice work.
Thanks Tom! A "face lift" is a good word. Those old types and NEW's dress up nicely in bright nickel or rhodium. Here's a pic of the bottom (sorry for poor quality pics).


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Oh thats just perfect ! Now I can't wait to see my Bulldog when it will come back from the Platesmith (Yeah, I just invented a new word lolll)
After seeing how beautiful those look, I think I may have to send off my super speed to be replated. It's not in bad condition, but I'd love it to have a fresh nickel plate (it's the one I used to get my g/f into using a DE razor). I've never had anything replated, how much can one expect to pay for such wonders?
Great work Krona!

How did that unplated New that I traded for your Tech work out?

I assume you have plated it aswell in the meantime.
Krona is a "top bloke" I have had a few dealings with him, I got a replated Fatboy off him which is my vintage pride and joy, he also sent me my first bottle of Clubman :D
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