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Changing with the seasons . . .

Today, I put away the summer stuff, and pulled out my fall shaving gear. All summer, I used QCS Key Lime and Proraso (Green) soaps, with Ogallala Bay Rum, Limes & Peppercorn and Proraso aftershaves. This fall, with the onset of cooler weather, I've decided to use D.R. Harris Windsor soap and aftershave, along with La Toja stick and Spieck aftershave. I'll stick with those for 3 months until winter.

Does anybody else enjoy changing products based on the seasons?
I am menthol all year round. The concept of seasonal change has not caught on with me. To each his own.
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I hear you. I used a homemade soap created by one of the Louisville locals, Ton80, call Ticking Lime Bomb on hot days and Body Shop macca on mild days. I to am ready for fall and getting my DRH Windsor supplies sured up. I have the Cream, AS, and deodorant on the way from WCS and just nabbed a puck of soap off BST.
My only seasonal change is my razor and blade. Merkur 34G gets the call for spring/summer and '52 SuperSpeed for fall/winter. The changeover usually occurs sometime in Oct & Apr.
Being new to this hobby, I've been going with my moods, but this weekend I did enjoy some Stirling Soap Ozark Mountain which reminded me of a crisp fall day in the mountains. Great stuff!
As the season change so do my preferences for certain products I use. I prefer AS splashes in the summer and balms in the winter. There are also some soaps and creams that I prefer to use depending on the season. But I also have soaps and creams that I don't mind using all year round.
Same here. I've been cold water shaving all summer with a variety of menthol and eucalyptus soaps and creams. At zero-dark-thirty this morning, I couldn't face the cold any more so opted for DRH Windsor cream and AS with very pleasant lukewarm water. I think the chilly stuff can stay away until next summer now. I have TOBS Grapefruit, Proraso Blue and DRH Windsor to get me through the winter, and I'm happy with that.
Being Texas, I really don't put any shaving gear away till the next summer. I'll shave year-round with my full arsenal of goodies. With that said, I may use certain software more often just because my mood is swinging that way.
I like the seasonal change, personally. While I don't completely put away the more fruity scents of mine (Mikes Lime, Stirling Black Cherry, and DRH Arlington), they are definatley taking a back seat to soaps like Mike's Pine/Cedarwood, DRH Marlborough, and MW Mysore Sandalwood. For me, it's like drinking a Sam Adams Octoberfest, these soaps fit the bill in the fall.
I did not get on TOBS grapefruit until most of the way through this summer but it is for sure my summer scent from here on out. As the bathing suits leave and the tweed jackets come in for fall so does my TOBS Grapefruit. For fall I have been using Eton College and clubman pinaud aftershave (reminds me of my fraternity days). I will be looking for a deep winter scent as well, I'm thinking a pine tree like scent (fro christmas).

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