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Changed my pitch up tonight

I've kind of been stuck in a rut with shaving lately. Not that that's a bad thing I guess. :001_cool: I've pretty much been sticking with two setups, 1) EJ de86bl loaded with a Derby and Mama Bear's Aged Spice with Ivy Club AS and OS cologne, or 2) Mekur 1904 OC loaded with a Wilkies from Walmart and Cella with Clubman AS, both setups I was using the B&B 2012 LE brush. I've stuck with that for ~4 months and only changing from one to the other if I was bored and wanted a "change".

So tonight I was rummaging around my den and used this.


I've got to say that the Aristocrat loaded with a Feather was enjoyable. And, I definitely missed using that brush! I need to get some more of those made. :biggrin1:
Changed mine up too as I used the Ej and Futur most of the time. Decided on a Schick adjustable with a P74 blade. It was a great shave with a one dollar razor! Lol.
Nice setup! What kind of brush is that?

Thanks. My mother has a friend that lives in Poland and her husband is a brush maker. He makes all sorts of brushes. Anyway, last time my parents were visiting them he gave my mother that shaving brush along with various other types of brushes. It is just some custom brush he made with badger hair.
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