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Ceramic DE blade?

I was looking to see what all injector blades are out there, and ran across the site below. I noticed that they have 3-hole double-edged blades in zirconium carbide, tungsten carbide and high-carbon steel.

Would these fit a regular 3-pin DE (like say... a Merkur 33C)?

I'm curious- it seems that an everlasting (or at least EXTREMELY long-lived) razor blade might be useful. I have a Kyocera chef's knife, and it does indeed keep its edge much longer than my Wusthof Classic, so I'm wondering if the same is true for these blades?

Specialty Blades (ceramic DE blade)
That will IIRC actually be too sharp to shave with (it's for industrial cutting use), there is a thread around somewhere about them trying to make one and ending up cutting themselves quite badly as it was too sharp (yes there is such a thing.....).

Would not be even remotely possible in a DE.
In a SE(GEM) it would be.
A DE razor bends the blade when tightened down.

Ceramic does not bend.:frown:
I've been thinking about the bending issue, and I've come up with an idea that goes roughly like this.

Imagine that each edge is ceramic, with a strip of a few mm behind the cutting edge. These two ceramic blade strips are sandwiched between two layers of reasonably-dense rubber-like material. These components would constitute the DE blade wherein the rubber-like component would be bent in the holder, deflecting the ceramic blades so that the user could adjust the angle of incident.


I've also been considering other problems I've read about, such as the angle of the blade's bevel itself. The sharpening of ceramic blades that I have seen has taken place on the outside of a diamond wheel, resulting in the very straight edge that can make the blade dangerous for shaving. So what if the wheel were made a drum and the blade ground on the inside of the curve? With the appropriate radius for the drum this might produce a better edge.
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