The most asked question regarding Cella is certainly this: “How to compare Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima with Cella, Crema da Barba all’Olio di Mandorla?”, or “Are these two products just the same, with different consistency?”. My friends, among Italian Master Barbers and most experienced wet shavers, there is an open debate on the subject. What is 100% sure is that these two soaps share exactly the same ingredients list, as follows:
Cocos Nucifera Oil, Tallow, Stearic Acid, Potassium Hydroxyde, Sodium Hydroxide, Aqua, Potassium Carbonate, Parfum.
There are in Italy some Master Barbers and wet shavers who think that these two great soaps are exactly the same, since, as just stated above, they have exactly the same ingredients. And, furthermore, these shavers seem to get equal results with both products. However, the vast majority of Master Barbers and wet shavers in Italy (me included) believe that Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima and Cella, Crema da Barba all’Olio di Mandorla are not the same soap. Yes, they are surely very, very similar, but not perfectly the same. Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima is, in my opinion, a slightly superior product compared to Cella, Crema da Barba all’Olio di Mandorla. The kilo brick in fact, compared to the red bowl, seems to give a somehow better lather and, therefore, a somehow better shave. Moisturizing properties and overall skin care are, again, slightly better when shaving with the kilo brick. Why? What I do believe is that, although the ingredients listed are always those, the proportions of these ingredients are different in the two soaps. Does Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima have more tallow in its formulation? Or a higher concentration of coconut oil? Maybe, I really have no answer here. And these questions have never been cleared up, not even by the company. That said, I absolutely do not want to underrate Cella, Crema da Barba all’Olio di Mandorla, which is a super, super, super soap. And, for those with no experience with Cella, the small red bowl is also a more economic way for testing this Italian gem. But if you ask long time users of Cella to choose just one, the vast majority of them will certainly pick Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima.
P.S. Cella is unquestionably the finest soap of the great Italian barbershop tradition. And always my number 1 choice. I admit that I’m devoted to this fantastic soap also for family reasons, as written in my review “Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima”. But I can also proudly say that, although I added many other excellent soaps to my rotation over the years, none of them is comparable to this Italian marvel for lather, quality and performance. Or, if you prefer, Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima is, in my opinion, the very best shaving soap available anywhere. Time. Period.
Cocos Nucifera Oil, Tallow, Stearic Acid, Potassium Hydroxyde, Sodium Hydroxide, Aqua, Potassium Carbonate, Parfum.
There are in Italy some Master Barbers and wet shavers who think that these two great soaps are exactly the same, since, as just stated above, they have exactly the same ingredients. And, furthermore, these shavers seem to get equal results with both products. However, the vast majority of Master Barbers and wet shavers in Italy (me included) believe that Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima and Cella, Crema da Barba all’Olio di Mandorla are not the same soap. Yes, they are surely very, very similar, but not perfectly the same. Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima is, in my opinion, a slightly superior product compared to Cella, Crema da Barba all’Olio di Mandorla. The kilo brick in fact, compared to the red bowl, seems to give a somehow better lather and, therefore, a somehow better shave. Moisturizing properties and overall skin care are, again, slightly better when shaving with the kilo brick. Why? What I do believe is that, although the ingredients listed are always those, the proportions of these ingredients are different in the two soaps. Does Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima have more tallow in its formulation? Or a higher concentration of coconut oil? Maybe, I really have no answer here. And these questions have never been cleared up, not even by the company. That said, I absolutely do not want to underrate Cella, Crema da Barba all’Olio di Mandorla, which is a super, super, super soap. And, for those with no experience with Cella, the small red bowl is also a more economic way for testing this Italian gem. But if you ask long time users of Cella to choose just one, the vast majority of them will certainly pick Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima.
P.S. Cella is unquestionably the finest soap of the great Italian barbershop tradition. And always my number 1 choice. I admit that I’m devoted to this fantastic soap also for family reasons, as written in my review “Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima”. But I can also proudly say that, although I added many other excellent soaps to my rotation over the years, none of them is comparable to this Italian marvel for lather, quality and performance. Or, if you prefer, Cella, Crema Sapone Extra Extra Purissima is, in my opinion, the very best shaving soap available anywhere. Time. Period.
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