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Cella + Proraso, my new favorite

I recently tried Proraso for the first time (new formula soap and AS). I've always used them in combo and found the AS to be nothing special. Today, however, I used the Proraso AS after a shave with Cella (my favorite). Totally different experience, the menthol in the AS was very refreshing. I've been using Aqua Velva for a while and like it a lot but the Proraso is a step above IMHO. Why I never noticed this before is a mystery. Maybe the menthol in the Proraso soap desensitized me or was so overwhelming that by the time I got to the after shave it was much less noticeable. Regardless, I'm just happy to make this discovery :001_tt1:
I have mixed the Cella Soap with the Proraso shave cream and the combination worked great as the Proraso eucalyptus oil provides a soothing coolness to the Cella Soap.
+1 to Proraso AS; haven't tried the new formula but that original is SOP after every shave.

Cella + Proraso cream; now that's an idea.
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