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castle forbes shaving cream

Hey guy, I gave this a shot because of the reviews. The product just does not work for me. Could I please have your suggestions on other lime creams. I have been using a brush since I was 18 & will be 67 come January so I think I know what iam doing as far prep goes. It was a pia to lather & I did not get the lubrication from the castle Forbes. Maybe iam missing something. Thanks for any help you can give me. Grayson
Unlike the other creams I use, I find that I need to load my brush with CF creams as if it were a soap. I do 10-15 swirls with the brush right in the bowl and face lather from that. Works great for me and a get a nice lather from it.


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Unlike the other creams I use, I find that I need to load my brush with CF creams as if it were a soap. I do 10-15 swirls with the brush right in the bowl and face lather from that. Works great for me and a get a nice lather from it.

me too. i load directly on top, lightly with the tips of the brush, and make sure i get LOTS of product on my brush...it still lasts forever.

as far as other "LIME creams"...it's my go-to Lime scent.

QCS makes a nice lime cream, but it's a firmer cream, even firmer then CF.

you could try Cyril R Salter or Vulvix makes a Sicilian Lime.
Mr. Russell, I'd only have two pieces of advice, first, don't get rid of the CF yet. There's something that must have gone wrong, and maybe it's something that you can adjust later on. The CF has earned it's reputation the hard way. Second, give Taylor's Lemon Lime or JM Fraser's Original a try. They're both very good lathering creams, different in their own ways, but good creams. And they're a half or a third of the cost of CF.
Thanks guys, iam not going to get rid of it, I just don't know what iam doing wrong( I face lather).I have samples of gft & t&h on the way. Would like to try vulfix, but can't find samples. Have Taylor's lemon- lime & it works well. Iam replacing a cream that I used for a longtime because of a formula change . So it looks as though iam going to catch scad. Thanks for the help. Grayson.
Unlike the other creams I use, I find that I need to load my brush with CF creams as if it were a soap. I do 10-15 swirls with the brush right in the bowl and face lather from that. Works great for me and a get a nice lather from it.

Also, after doing this the water you leave behind will soften the top layer of the cream in the jar so that it becomes partially dissolved.
Unlike the other creams I use, I find that I need to load my brush with CF creams as if it were a soap. I do 10-15 swirls with the brush right in the bowl and face lather from that. Works great for me and a get a nice lather from it.

Yep, this. But I still don't get brilliant lather from it. I have soft water and it's just a kind of indifferent cream for me.
Hey guys, hope you are all well. I still am having no luck with the lime but I used the lavender & it works fantastic. I really like the lime scent & for the life of me can't figure out what iam doing wrong. Has anyone else had this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.I only face lather by the way. Thanks. Grayson


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Hey guys, hope you are all well. I still am having no luck with the lime but I used the lavender & it works fantastic. I really like the lime scent & for the life of me can't figure out what iam doing wrong. Has anyone else had this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.I only face lather by the way. Thanks. Grayson

they should lather identically. some have issues with the LIME not agreeing with their skin, but my experience says they are identical performers and lathering creams.
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