Hey all.
Been traditional wet shaving for a few years now so Ive had a bit of experience but still consider myself to be a bit of a newbie.
I first started out trying to make lather in a bowl and wasnt very successful.
I tried to face lather but my pure badger gave me brush burn so I continued having bad shaves bowl lathering.
Once I invested in a soft TGN Grade A silvertip, I started face lathering again and my lather improved a lot to the point where I dont think it can get much better than it is and I am happy with it.
I really like face lathering as it gives me the best shaves, but every now and again when I see pics of peoples bowl lather, it makes me want to try bowl lathering again but I always fail, miserably!
Ive tried stainless steel bowls and ceramic (smooth soup or cereal type bowls) with no success.
The inside of the bowls seem too smooth and instead of the lather sticking to the bowl, the brush just sucks it up and I just go round and round getting nowhere.
As soon as I use my face or the palm of my hand as the canvas, boom- great, easy lather!
So whats going on here?!
It seems I need the texture and grip of skin to make a successful lather.
Ive read about people using a plastic salsa bowl and scoring grooves into it for their lather bowl but I cant try that as I cant find those bowls in New Zealand.
I only use high quality soaps (Mikes, MWF, Euro palmolive, Tabac etc).
Does anyone else have this bowl lathering issue?
Any help appreciated.
Been traditional wet shaving for a few years now so Ive had a bit of experience but still consider myself to be a bit of a newbie.
I first started out trying to make lather in a bowl and wasnt very successful.
I tried to face lather but my pure badger gave me brush burn so I continued having bad shaves bowl lathering.
Once I invested in a soft TGN Grade A silvertip, I started face lathering again and my lather improved a lot to the point where I dont think it can get much better than it is and I am happy with it.
I really like face lathering as it gives me the best shaves, but every now and again when I see pics of peoples bowl lather, it makes me want to try bowl lathering again but I always fail, miserably!
Ive tried stainless steel bowls and ceramic (smooth soup or cereal type bowls) with no success.
The inside of the bowls seem too smooth and instead of the lather sticking to the bowl, the brush just sucks it up and I just go round and round getting nowhere.
As soon as I use my face or the palm of my hand as the canvas, boom- great, easy lather!
So whats going on here?!
It seems I need the texture and grip of skin to make a successful lather.
Ive read about people using a plastic salsa bowl and scoring grooves into it for their lather bowl but I cant try that as I cant find those bowls in New Zealand.
I only use high quality soaps (Mikes, MWF, Euro palmolive, Tabac etc).
Does anyone else have this bowl lathering issue?
Any help appreciated.