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Can't get it to pass HHT- Crox on balsa question.

Every now and then I try to touch up the bevel on my CW dahlgren using Crox on balsa followed on plain balsa stropping. It usually works quite well but today it just dosent do the trick.
Probably done +40 laps on Crox and it doesn't pass the HHT. Tried putting on some more Crox and still no HHT.
Getting somewhat frustated here.
Please enlighten me if you could.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
If it worked before but doesn't work now, that sounds like a sign that it needs some work at the coarser level, and possibly needs to have the bevel reset. Touchups will only work for so long before you to have to re-address the honing process. That may only involve a few swipes on a stone, or require the whole nine yards, depending on the situation.
Actually it passed after the first 10 laps on Crox but after 20 or so on plain balsa it was back to not passing. That's when I went for +40 on Crox. It was first honed by honed 3-4 months ago and just touch ups after.
2 razors in rotation and shaving every 3 days or so. maybe that's just normal.
once the balsa hone crox fails, its most likely you need to go back to a stone . pasted balsa will only work for so long as you have now found out.. balsa is quite fast acting compared to crox on leather or paddle with leather . try poping a layer of tape on the spine, then do another 5/10 laps on balsa see what happens ... other than that have it rehoned ...
Pretty normal wear I'd say, just like other fine gentlemen have said here, eventually the pastes just won't cut it & the razor needs some quality time with the stones to get
shave ready again. Pasted strop does have a tendency to convex the edge a bit over time, since they have some give, balsa convexes less then leather & felt, but it still does it.
And every time you use the pasted strop the convexing increases.

But that is easily fixed with normal honing on stone(s)
I guess that ordering some kind of hones and learn how to hone is a road one eventually would have walk. Thanks all for the points and hints.
If you're in the city tomorrow give me a call & we can met up & I'll hone it for ya during the weekend.
No charge of course, after all I'm partially responsible for dragging you into this madness :biggrin:
If you're in the city tomorrow give me a call & we can met up & I'll hone it for ya during the weekend.
No charge of course, after all I'm partially responsible for dragging you into this madness :biggrin:

I´ll bring it with me to work, and if i have time after work i´ll stop by old town anyway! You are most kind sir!
If i cant make it i will grow a beard till i learn to hone it myself.

Lapping film may lack mojo but since honed has repedetly warned me about tha HAD its kind of overkill to jump down that hole to.
Start slow and cheap. Thats more me.
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