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Canadian Military

Just finished my aptitude test, and qualified for what I signed up for (Infantry). Medical test in 2 weeks, then an interview!

Can't wait!

Anyone here completed the Canadian BMQ? Any tips for me?

EDIT: Just noticed that I put this in the wrong sub-forum. I read "Pursuits in life" and started it in here! LOL! :lol::lol:
Congrats on your acceptance. Thank you for defending our Country.

Never been through myself, but half the guys I work with are all ex-CF guys. Some awesome stories from some. I have been fortunate enough to get to eat at CFB Edmonton and the food was FANTASTIC! Quite surprising to be honest.
You're in luck! I just finished teaching at CFLRS so I can answer any questions you have. Feel free to post them here or send them via pm
Congrats on getting in! If you end up in CFB Edmonton drop me a line I'll buy you a beer or twelve. (there we go boys, back on topic!)
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