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Can I take disposable razors on a plane? (Boston)

I know a lot of guys on here travel quite a bit.

I never fly much but I should be going to Boston for a week for work at the beginning of November.

I bought some Bic disposable razors at the store today. I figured I will take them instead of a DE in case I lose it, plus I thought they wouldn't like me having the blades separate.

I melted a puck of vdh into a tube, so I figure I'm good for soap/cream.

So is it a problem at all to take disposable razors on a plane?

This has been asked before and I believe the consensus was that cartridges and disposables are ok, DE or SE blades are not.

You could bring a DE razor and pick up some blades locally.
I'm not saying they wouldn't, but they really shouldn't let you carry disposable blades on a plane. It would not be hard at all for anyone to construct a shiv on a plane using the blades. Depending on how creative/how much effort has been put in, it coudl really do some damage.
didn't know you could do that?

i guess you and op only have carry on right?
cause you cause just put the razors in your carry on and be scott free.

Carrying the razor itself is no problem. It's the blades that get you in trouble in the carryon. Yes. Since the airlines started charging for checked baggage, I travel as light as possible.
I've done this a few times. It works out pretty well. I've found it saves time to take the razor apart and put it in the clear plastic bag to show the TSA goons.
Just be careful when you're using it.

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