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Can anybody identify this razor?.


Dave Tomlinson

Hi all.
I have come across this Razor but can find no information anywhere about it,hopefully somebody can shed some light on it,it's quite small which suggests it's a travel razor,it says on the bottom"RUBIE"made in England,it shows little signs of wear and all the teeth are perfect and has a well made feel to it.
Apologies for the poor pics and hope you can help.

I'm going to take a stab at this one . . .

Rubie was a brand name used by Otto Roth Company, a German manufacturer who merged with Gillette sometime after the takeover by Auto-Strop. The razor looks similar to a New, but still uses two side studs for blade alignment. The studs have an odd shape, similar to that used by Auto-Strop's Probak razors.

My SWAG - this razor was made by Gillette subsidiary Otto Roth in England and sold under the Rubie brand name.

That being boldly said . . . I'm probably wrong!!

I'd be willing to bet that either Achim or Guido can better enlighten us!
I have a very similar razor. The only differences that I notice is that instead of the T's it has straight lines and that it says Gillette on the back.

Have no idea what it's called though, as I haven't found anything looking this similar until now.
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